
Ryan writes… Hello Michelle. Hoping you are well. Apologies for not contacting you for a while. I had meant to write to you after the Wolfbane event where we met last in Cambridge but as I’m sure you can imagine, life has just ran away with me. I just wanted to fire over a message…

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Multiple questions

Sam writes… Hiya hope your having a good day/week/month 1. Are you and sir Ian maklen friends? 2. Is the wolf torak still around? 3. What COAD villain would you rather fight? 4. Was Hord mentally ok in wolf brother? 5. Are there any characters you would have wanted to written more of? 6. Dose…

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Future book events?

Amy Noon writes… Hi Michelle!! i have loved ur books since i was in year 3, i was one of the videos you watched in the live stream in 2022 on youtube. I live in england and was wondering if you are planning to have a book event similar to the one you had a…

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Happy 20th anniversary!!

Elin writes… Hi Michelle! I’ve been thinking about the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness a lot this past week since the 20th anniversary of Wolf Brother was yesterday, May 27th. I just wanted to write you a message to thank you for this series. I was 9 when Wolf Brother was published in Sweden, my mom…

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Your most well-written villain?

Stella writes… Dear Michelle. I've written to you before, asking you whether there will be a tv show or not, but now I wanna ask you about something else. This may be an odd question, but I'm curious: Who would you say is the most well-written villain you've made? Personally, I find the main villain…

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ossian writes… Do you have any cronicalls of ancient darkness merch?If so where can you buy it Michelle Replies… Dear Ossian, Thanks for your question, but I’m afraid the answer is no, there isn’t any merchandise available, as the books haven’t been turned into films.  So the only things you can currently buy that are…

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cronicalls of ancient darkness Torak in more books

ossian writes… i like the cronicalls of ancient darkness could you make more or put Torak in another book please signed Ossian.D aged 9years and 4months Michelle Replies… Dear Ossian, I’m really pleased that you like the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness so much!  You may not know it, but in addition to the first six…

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Thank you for these wonderful books!

Seren writes… Hi Michelle! I'm Seren (it's not my real name – I don't like sharing my real name online. Another pseudonym I use is 'limoncats'.) and I was born and raised in the UK by Turkish parents! Ever since my class collectively read Wolf Brother together I fell in love with this series! I…

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Dutch translation

Esmee writes… Hello Michelle, I’ve first read the wolf brother series when I was about 11 years old at school and now years later at 18 I bought the books myself. I just figured out you wrote 3 more books after ghost hunter and now I am wondering if they will translated to dutch like…

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An invaluable gift

Nisma writes… (I also sent this message via instagram message – sorry for the duplicate) Hi, My partner is a HUGE fan of your books and says they are his favourite collection. He remembers reading them growing up and it was where his passion for reading came from! His 30th birthday is approaching and I…

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