
Ask Michelle

Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.

Latest Messages

Crónicas de la Prehistoria

oath baker Imaginative Response

wolf brother production

Last email

Why the chronicles of ancient darkness mean so much.

About a prequel to Wolf-brother



Thank you

Any more horror on the way?

Crónicas de la Prehistoria

Juan Carlos writes...

Hola Michelle!!!
Va a producirse una serie animada de la saga???
Muchas gracias por todo tu trabajo y dedicación para crear la historia de Torak, Renn y Lobo!!!
Ojalá en un futuro te animes a seguir escribiendo sobre su mundo como precuela o secuela…
Un cordial saludo!!!
Juan Carlos

Michelle Replies...

Hola, Juan Carlos!  I'm afraid I don't speak Spanish, but if you are asking if there's going to be an animated series of the stories of Torak, Renn and Wolf, I'm afraid the answer is no, there are no plans for one.  But of course, that might change at some time in the future.  If there is any news, I will post it here on my website.  In the meantime, thank you for getting in touch!  With best wishes, Michelle

oath baker Imaginative Response

Noah writes...

Hay Michelle Paver

I hope you're doing well. I'm in S1 at High School and I'm working on an Imaginative Response based on your book "Oath Breaker." I'm thinking of adding another soul-eater or reincarnating one. If I were to reincarnate a soul-eater, which one do you think I should choose? Also, if I decide to add a soul-eater, what should I call them and what kind of mage should they be? I'd love to share my Imaginative Response with you, but it contains spoilers. Wishing you all the best, and may the guardian swim with you.

From Noah

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Noah.  I like your idea of inventing or re-incarnating a Soul-Eater.  I'm not going to suggest which to choose, as that's best left to you; but what I can do is suggest some questions you could ask yourself, which will help you create your character.  Was your Soul-Eater born bad, or did they become that way - and if so, what turned them evil?  What clan are they from?  Are they typical of that clan?  For instance, if they're Red Deer, were they originally against fighting, and something turned them aggressive?  Or were they just different from the other members of the clan, so that they didn't fit in? In what way are they evil?  For instance, Seshru is cunning and uses trickery, while Thiazzi relies on his brute strength, and Eostra scares everyone rigid. How would your Soul-Eater's magecraft work?  If you spend a little time thinking about these things, it should help you create your character (it's how I did it when I wrote the books).  I hope this helps, and that you have fun with what sounds like a really interesting project.  And by all means share the results with me (though I won't post it if it contains spoilers).  May the guardian swim with you!  Michelle

wolf brother production

luke writes...

hi michelle just wondered if we could all get an update on the progress of the wolf brother show production

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Luke.  I'm afraid nothing is happening, and plans for a Wolf Brother film/tv series have lapsed.  If anything happens on this, I will post the news on my website.  In the meantime, fans will just have to rely on the books and their imaginations!  With best wishes, Michelle

Last email

Sam writes...

I got the previous email thank you so much 😄

Michelle Replies...

That's great to know - thanks for acknowledging!  Michelle

Why the chronicles of ancient darkness mean so much.

Sam writes...

Hi I’m Sam
I have struggled with anxiety, depression and well Nef like thoughts (idk if I’m allowed to say it ) for over 2 and a half years.

When I was 10 my teacher read the class wolf brother, I fell in love with it. The story, the characters, the setting all of it! It was a big turning point in my sense of self. I felt like I found what I like and what my morals are. As my lovely teacher was very slow at reading the most amazing book I found, I got my own copy of the book and read the rest in 5-6 days. On Christmas I got the books up to ghost hunter and my birthday (very close to Christmas) vipers daughter and skin taker. And I read them all in 3 months

Later that same year i got in trouble with the head teacher, and I was deeply hurt by the shouting and the questions and the looks of shame. Later on I read the books to keep my mind off it. In the summer holidays I turned servely depressed and I didn’t want to be here. In my darkest moments of that summer I lived for the book series, it kept me grounded.

In year seven I got help, but the mental health system on my island are very slow. Year 8 was bad again hit with anxiety and I was ashamed when I didn’t go out. I felt like it would never end. Another dark moment came along where I made a choice. I chose to stay on this earth and I chose because of the COAD and how I wanted to keep reading and learning and laughing when torak falls over.
Later in that year something unfortunate happened to me, and the culprit was a friend who once read the book. I read the books again and felt seen by,

Currently I am still struggling with my mental issues as well as my diagnosis of autism and adhd, but I’m hoping it will get better and obviously with COAD by my side
Thank you Michelle paver for putting your books out there and indirectly helping a random kid with issues

(I’m seeing professionals you don’t need to worry, and COAD is my special interest if u couldn’t tell)

Michelle Replies...

Dear Sam, Thank you so much for your message, in which you vividly describe what you've been going through.  I am really sorry that you've been having such a rough time - and I'm glad that my books have helped  you, and are continuing to do so.  I'm even more glad that you are getting some help and support.  And by the way, it shows considerable empathy that you thought to reassure me on this point; otherwise, I would have worried.

Growing up can be incredibly tough.  I know because I've been through it; and I've put some of that into how Torak feel during his dark times.  But things do get better - and they will for you.  From your message, you strike me as strong, perceptive, self-aware, intelligent, resilient and brave.  You will win through, and life will get better.  In the meantime, thank you so much for having the courage to share your experiences.  Stay steady, and may you have many more healing times in the Forest with Torak, Renn and Wolf at your side!  With very best wishes, Michelle.  (P.S. As we've had problems in the past with gmail messages not getting through, please could you send a brief acknowledgement so that I know you've received this one!)


About a prequel to Wolf-brother

Antonio writes...

Have you ever thought about writing something like a prequel to Wolf brother? About the story of Torak and Renn parents, Fin Kedinn; and their relationship, and how things turned up the way they did. Thanks for writing the way you do!

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Antonio.  Over the years, many readers have expressed interest in a prequel, but I have to say that I have never been tempted.  I think that's mainly because we already know how things turned out for Torak and Renn's parents and for Fin-Kedinn - so I'd find it a bit hard to create any narrative suspense.  Also, I prefer to leave things somewhat mysterious, and up to the reader's imagination - especially where Fin-Kedinn is concerned.  I know lots of other writers feel differently about prequels, and they write really good ones; but I don't think they're for me.  Thanks for getting in touch, and I do hope you continue to enjoy the stories!  With very best wishes, Michelle


MONICA writes...

Buenas noches, a mi hijo de 12 años le ha fascinado la saga de Crónicas de la Prehistoria y le gustaría saber si se va a traducir al español el libro "Wolf bane".

Muchísimas gracias de antemano.


Michelle Replies...

Hi, Monica.  Sorry I can't speak Spanish!  I'm very glad that you like the Cronicas de la Prehistoria so much - but I'm afraid that Wolf bane hasn't been translated into Spanish.  The English version is the only one I can suggest for you.  I'm so sorry to disappoint you.  With very best wishes, Michelle


GRAHAM writes...

I've just reread Dark Matter and again was deeply impressed by how you create such an atmosphere of unease and dread in your story.
I view it as at the pinnacle of contemporary ghost stories and as good as any of the classic ghost/horror stories from my youth and the myriad
Pan & Puffin anthologies I read as a teenager and beyond. I even stopped reading it late at night and double checked the shutters in the bedroom before going to sleep and I'd already read the book.

Your writing has a wonderful filmic quality to it and as I was reading the story I was also seeing each scene as it unfolded even when I didn't
want to 'see' what was unfolding. Brilliant writing.

That said I am curious why Dark Matter has not become a film or mini series given how good it is. It is a masterpiece up there with the best of
M.R. James, Susan Hill and all the other great ghost and horror authors.

Would you like to see Dark Matter adapted for the screen?
Are there any plans to do so?
Have there been previous attempts to adapt it for the screen?

Or do you prefer to leave Dark Matter to the reader's imagination?

Michelle Replies...

Dear Graham, thank you so much for your perceptive and appreciative comments; it means a lot that Dark Matter has found favour with a devotee of the ghost story such as yourself - and that it frightened you, too!  To answer your questions, the book has been optioned for film a few times over the years, but so far nothing has got beyond the script stage.  This isn't unusual; in fact, it's the fate of the vast majority of film projects. But in my experience that's not necessarily a bad thing.  I can recall at least one script of Dark Matter which filled me with horror - and not in a good way! It was a bit of a relief when the project fizzled out.  You asked whether I would like to see the book adapted for film, and the answer is broadly yes - but ONLY if the film were true to the spirit of the story, rather than a slasher movie with too many jump scares.  Finally, if and when an adapation looks like getting filmed, you may be sure that I'll post the news on my website.  Thanks again for getting in touch, and perhaps next year you might enjoy my latest ghost story, Rainforest, when it comes out in September.  With very best wishes, Michelle

Thank you

Sofia writes...

Dear Michelle, I have been a fan of Chronicles of Ancient Darkness since I was a child (I even have a little shelf dedicated to it!) so you can imagine my excitement when three sequels were announced a few years back. I am now 28 years old and still as enchanted with your books as ever. The reason I’m writing to you is because I want to thank you for Dark’s story in particular. I always saw a bit of myself in him—timid but also curious, loyal, and deeply protective. In Wolfbane, I saw yet another vital piece of myself represented so beautifully. Thank you for showing that even thousands of years ago there were people like him, like me, like many of us, and that they were good and brave and loved. It means more than I could ever express.

Michelle Replies...

Dear Sofia, that is such a beautiful and heartfelt message.  I'm absolutely delighted that you had such a strong and empathetic response to the stories, particularly to Dark.  I'd had him in mind from the very beginning of the series, but as things turned out, he only found his place in Ghost Hunter - so there wasn't space to do as much with him as I'd wanted to.  Getting the idea for the further three books gave me a chance to do his character justice.  Your message, like many I've received, shows that it was worth the effort.  (I might add that I also appreciate the graceful way in which you avoided spoilers!)  Thank you for getting in touch.  And may you share many more happy hours with Torak, Renn, Wolf and of course Dark, in the Forest.  With very best wishes, Michelle

Any more horror on the way?

Simon writes...

Hi Michelle

I love Dark Matter, Thin Air and Wakenhryst - 3 of my favourite horror novels. Are you planning any more novels in this genre?

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Simon. It's great to hear that you've enjoyed my three previous Gothic/ghost novels - and I'm happy to be able to tell you that the answer is yes, I've written another one!  It's called RAINFOREST, and it'll be out in about September 2025.  Over the next few months I should be able to share the design, once it's finalised.  Thanks for getting in touch.  With best wishes, Michelle