Ask Michelle
Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.
thank you
Anna writes...
Hi Michelle
I just wanted to thank you for providing such an excellent ‘chronicles of ancient darkness’ series 🙂 your books bring me so much peace- I first read them from when I was about twelve, (my grandmother brought me them from the library each week) then I reread the series during the first couple months of lockdown. Now, at 22, I am rereading them all again, and wolfbane for the first time!
The relationship Torak and Renn have to nature, and the in depth detail of their hunter gatherer lifestyle, has always stuck with me.
Now this summer I will be taking a course in Norway that will teach me live in the lithic era 🙂 ie foraging, making stone tools, tanning skins, and processing wild fish. Thank you for your book that taught me so much about how our ancestors lived and also gave me an ideology of how we can live more integrated within nature.
I feel so lucky to have read this series!
Michelle Replies...
Dear Anna, thank you so much for your wonderful message. I love the image of the twelve-year old you reading the series as your grandmother brought the books to you from the library. I do hope you enjoy Wolfbane, and that you find it a fitting end to the series. Have a marvellous time in Norway; that course sounds amazing! With very best wishes, Michelle
Hi, you’re awesome!
Molly writes...
I'd like to interview you, because I LOVE your books. The interview is for a schoolproject and I'd appreciate it very much if you'd accept.
If it's not a problem send me a mail as soon as possible. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!
Best regards, Molly <3
Michelle Replies...
Dear Molly, I'm so glad that you like my books. I'm afraid I can't help with your school project, as I'm up to my ears in work and family stuff. Also, if I said yes to helping you, that would open the doors for lots of other requests like yours - and I'd never get any writing done! Wishing you the best of luck with your project - and may the guardian run with you! Michelle
Sage writes...
Hi my name is Jocelyn, your books are the best I have read in my life. I am 12 and sending this from my aunt’s phone. I wanted to tell you how amazing your series “the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness” my question is how did you pick the names of Renn and Torak because everytime I read their names I thought how they weren’t ordinary and wanted to know how you picked them? Renn is my favorite character. Thank you.
Michelle Replies...
Dear Jocelyn, I'm delighted that you've been enjoying the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness so much! The short answer is that I made up the names Torak and Renn. I had to, because we don't know any Stone Age names. But in doing so, I borrowed sounds from various old languages, such as Old Norse (what the Vikings spoke) - and after that it was a question of trial and error, until I had something that felt absolutely right for the character. As it happened, much later, after I was well into writing the books, I learnt that both names mean something in other languages: Renn means "reindeer" in French, and Torak means "perfect" in Greenlandic; I was told this by an Inuit girl in Greenland. But that's just chance, and the important thing is that the names fit the characters. Finally, and in case you didn't know, I should tell that I've also written three more Wolf Brother books, after the six of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. I hope you enjoy them too! May the guardian run with you. Best wishes, Michelle
German translations
Sylvia writes...
Dear Michelle,
I read some of the Torak books when they first came out (already a mature adult at the time!) and loved them, and knew they would be right up my godson Jonathan's street - now 12, he's been addicted for the last two years and has read volumes 1-5, mostly gifted by me. HOWEVER he's German, and we cannot get hold of vol. 6 ('Seelenwächter' I believe) in German anywhere! You don't happen to know of a secret stash? Any print runs planned? Such a shame they're no longer available.
Worse still, am I right in thinking the last 3 volumes haven't even been translated? In which case I'll have to tell him to get his skates on and keep working on his English...
NB. I love Thin Air & Dark Matter especially, too, and shall explore some of your other books.
Kind regards, Sylvia
Michelle Replies...
Dear Sylvia, I'm so glad that you and Jonathan have both enjoyed the Torak books; but I'm afraid I can't help you as regards a German edition of volume 6 - except to suggest a secondhand book site, such as abe.com? And I'm afraid you're correct that the final three volumes - ie books 7-9 - haven't been translated into German, so Jonathan will, as you say, need to keep working on his English, if he wants to find out what happens... Thanks very much for getting in touch, and I hope you continue to enjoy my Gothic novels too. With very best wishes, Michelle
Dreams and Visions in the Chronicles of Ancient Dark Series
Niklas writes...
Dear Michelle Paver,
I am currently writing an essay in a class about Dreams in literature for children and teenagers. In my essay I want to take a closer look at the Chronicles of Ancient Dark as I always felt like you had a clever way to place dreams or visions in a way that not only push forward the narrative but also give great insight into one of the characters while also giving explanations for these dreams or visions that fit the lore of the world you built. I am curious as to:
1. What was your vision/intention with using dreams and visions to greater extend?
2. When it comes to Wolf how did you come up with ideas of how an animal would dream?
3. Do you feel there is anything that differentiates Chronicles of Ancient Darks usage of Dreams from other book series?
Michelle Replies...
Dear Niklas, what an interesting essay. To answer your questions: (1) My intentions in using dreams and visions in the Wolf Brother books were largely as you say, either to drive the story, and/or to show character - while trying to stay in keeping with how prehistoric people might have thought. In psychological terms, the dreams of Renn and Torak mostly tend to show what's going on in their unconscious: in other words, what they're not yet conscious of knowing, but are aware of at a deeper level. For instance, in Viper's Daughter when Renn dreams/has a vision of her mother, on a psychological level this is her unconscious helping her process the fact that she has inherited aspects of her mother - which, as she comes to realise over the course of the story - aren't all bad. Also, some of Renn's waking visions, and all of Torak's spirit walking, are of course based on shamanism, as practised by many indigenous peoples all over the world (and probably by prehistoric people as well). (2) For Wolf's dreams, I've used what I know of wolf and dog cognition, and I've tried to keep his dreams simpler than those of Torak and Renn, and rooted in instinct and feeling; the same goes for all the passages from Wolf's point of view. (3) Finally, I can't really say whether my approach differs from how dreams are used in other book series, as I don't really know any. Except, I suppose, that I try to avoid dreams being too prophetic. I wouldn't regard that as realistic - unless, of course, the "prophecy" really relates to something that the character is already unconsciously aware of. I hope the above proves helpful to you - and good luck with what sounds like a fascinating essay! With best wishes, Michelle
Hale writes...
Please consider making a movie for wolf brother! It would explode in the industry. All ur other books would become hits as well once that took off. I've been reading ur books since I was 9 and I'm 27 now. I love it work and would love to see it on screen
Michelle Replies...
Dear Hale, It's great that you've enjoyed my books for so long! As for making a film of Wolf Brother, it's not up to me, because it would be extremely expensive and I haven't got millions to spare. In the past there have been film deals for the books, but (as mostly happens), these have petered out after a few years. So unless and until another film studio decides to film the story - and actually follows through with it - I'm afraid you'll just have to wait and hope. And re-read the books, of course. Thanks for getting in touch, and may the guardian run with you... Best wishes, Michelle
Question about wolf brother
Pedrosky writes...
Hord wants to be head of the Raven Clan if Fin-kedinn dies, but Torak knows that's not going to happen, why?
Michelle Replies...
Hello, and thanks for your question. Torak knows that Hord could never be Leader of the Raven Clan, because Hord doesn't have the qualities of a leader. He's vain and he always wants to be first, which comes from his insecurity (because secretly he doubts that he's up to it). By contrast, Fin-Kedinn has the courage to fight for what he believes to be right, when all others are against him; he is assured enough to admit that he's wrong when he needs to, and wise enough to listen to others and then to make up his own mind. He's a real leader. Hord isn't. I hope that answers your question - and may the guardian run with you! Best wishes, Michelle
Further content
Conall writes...
Hi Michelle, I first started reading the chronicles of ancient darkness when I was 8, I am now 22 and still love them. I’ve seen some comments about taking the books to the screen and was wandering if along side a tv series or box set of films, I was wandering if there might be any scope for a video game on consoles or pc. Or if that has been considered yet.
I loved the recent Percy Jackson tv series (I know you didn’t write them) but I feel like that team could do your books justice if you were able to persuade them to take up the project.
Michelle Replies...
Dear Conall, it sounds as if you were one of my younger readers, if you started at eight! And I'm delighted that you still love the books. At the moment, things are quiet on the tv and/or film front, and so far no one has tried to develop Wolf Brother into a video game. This is just how things go (there are fashions in film, as in everything else) - but the more important thing is that you still love the stories. Thanks so much for getting in touch. With very best wishes, Michelle
New Books
Darin writes...
Hi Michelle
I felt compelled to write after finishing your three ‘adult’ books. I absolutely loved each of them and couldn’t put them down until they were finished. The atmosphere you created in each was fantastic and spellbinding.
I’m a voracious reader and look forward to reading your next book.
So the question is - do you have anything in plan or on the literary horizon?
Kind regards
Michelle Replies...
Dear Darin, I'm delighted that you've enjoyed my "adult" books! I do have another one on the way; it's set in a rainforest and will be published next year - but I'm afraid that at the moment that's all I can tell you! Thanks so much for getting in touch. With best wishes, Michelle
Walt writes...
One last thing, or as Columbo always says one more thing .
I know why reading DARK MATTER, was hard for me on a first time reading. It hit me to close to home.
My wife and I and two daughters built a small log cabin, within twenty-five miles of the Canadian border in Washington State, thirty-five miles from the nearest town.
First one daughter left to attend a University, then my second daughter left to attend the same University. Then my Wife secured a large hospital position as a RN, to help pay for the University.
I stayed at the cabin to finish the roof and had to endure several Winters in isolation and freezing cold with frost on the inside of the walls.
My companions, two dogs.
Wolfie, a blond blue eyed ,Siberian Husky, who saved me from a bear at basecamp, what I called the place.
His companion Lady, a mixed hound/doberman , who we quickly named LadyBug, because she bugged us so much.
My experiences on my land were much like DARK MATTER.
A pack of wild coyotes howling outside chasing down prey, the Bear raising up on his hind legs, who suddenly came upon me and Wolfie, who was ready to fight saved me.
Then there is the famous Bigfoot stories abounding in the American Pacific Northwest .
One last thing on my Siberian Husky, Wolfie. If he got loose and he did, he naturally ran away. The secret was to follow him slowly for a bit, then turn around and go in the opposite direction. He would dart past me and race up ahead . You the turn again and steer him in this way back to basecamp, and let him see you enter a vehicle. With the knowledge of trip to town time and good food, you leave the vehicle door open and he would voluntarily jump inside. It was impossible to catch him any other way.
Know I live with my Wife in civilization once again. Also both daughters graduated from University and are now happily married. So ends the tale.
Michelle Replies...