
Ask Michelle Anything!

Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.

Latest Messages

New ghosts – that is, Michelle’s upcoming new ghost story

questions about your Wolf Brother books and how i love them

Thank you – from a French reader who has grown up with the Wolf Brother books

Daughters of Eden – Michelle’s earlier trilogy set in Jamaica

DARK MATTER – where can I get a copy?

Rainforest cover

wolfbane audio cd

Just a greeting – from someone who grew up in Sweden with the Wolf Brother books

Wakenhyrst – I Want My Very Own Chatterpie

Rainforest! Any signed editions or sprayed edges?

More “A Ghost Stories” on the way?

Erica writes...

I got recommended Dark Matter by my sister and we ended up reading it in my book club for halloween. It was a great success, and we promptly read Thin Air and Wakenhyrst as well. Now we're eagerly awaiting another novel in this "series" as it were, and I wanted to ask you if there are any more on the way?
All the best,
Erica Hardi

Michelle Replies...

Dear Erica, I'm delighted that you and your book club enjoyed Dark Matter, Thin Air and Wakenhyrst!  There is indeed another supernatural tale on the way.  At the moment all I can tell you is that it's a ghost story, set in a tropical rainforest, and due to be published in 2025. I haven't quite finished it, but I think you'll find it's a worthy successor to my previous books.  Thanks so much for getting in touch.  With best wishes, Michelle

Review of Wakenhyrst

Graham writes...

I have just written for Goodreads a review of your wonderful book Wakenhyrst and thought you might like to read it, so here it is:

This novel combines gothic horror, ancient fenland folklore, and the social history of the fens. It also depicts very well how women in the early 20th century (as in many other periods too) were downtrodden and mistreated, how the “under classes” were, like the women, either ignored or badly treated, and how children had to behave impeccably or suffer the consequences.

It is very well written in thriller style, making you eager to turn the next page and find out what happens next. In doing so you also imbibe all that mixed factual material about the fens and mediaeval history.

The novel leaves you wondering throughout whether what is happening is the result of mental instability or if there really are demons working behind the scenes. When you finish you initially feel it is all down to the former. But then you may, like me, feel a slight flutter suggesting perhaps there was a little more to it after all.

A good read!

Michelle Replies...

Dear Graham, I've just got home and read your marvellous message.  Thank you SO much - not only for the brilliant review, but also for letting me know about it via your posting; that was really thoughtful, and I do appreciate it.  Most of all, though, I'm simply delighted that you enjoyed the book; and I'm particularly pleased that I managed to leave you with that "slight flutter" of doubt about demons, after you'd finished.  Thanks again.  With very best wishes, Michelle

School VIsit

Nicholas writes...

Hi Michelle,

I am an English Lead at a Junior School in South Woodford, East London and was wondering whether there was any scope for a school visit as the children love your books.

Many Thanks,


Michelle Replies...

Dear Nick, I'm sorry about the delay in getting back to you.  It's wonderful to know that the children enjoy my books , but I'm afraid that I've decided not to do any more school visits for the forseeable future.  I'm so sorry to disappoint you.  With very best wishes,  Michelle

I am doing a school project

brooke writes...

Dear Michelle Paver my name is Brooke Sims and I am a year 6 at Normandale school working on a big project. I am trying to find out what I want to be when I grow up and being an author is one of my interests. I have some questions that I would like to ask you kind of based on your series The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness and I was hoping you would be up to answering some of them??? These are just a few questions to help me get an idea of what it would be like as an author so I can present some of my research with my class.
How often did you write the chronicles of ancient darkness
In spirit walker you said you went on a research trip to kind of get in toraks position so would you tell me what that was like and how often you go on these research trips.
Do you find your job challenging
What are your daily jobs that contribute to being an author
What's your least favorite part of your job
What are 3 or 5 unusual/funny things that your job includes
Thank you for listening to my questions and if you could get back to me by Friday that would be awesome.

Michelle Replies...

Dear Brooke, thanks for your message.  It's good that you're curious about being an author, and you ask some interesting questions. I'm  sure you'll appreciate that I get lots of requests to help readers with their homework, and if I answered them all I'd never get time to write!  But you'll find lots of information on my website In particular, the Cave contains all sorts of information; and the Author's Note at the back of each book talks about the research I did for each story.  I hope that helps a bit. Best wishes, Michelle

More like dark matter and thin air?

Linda writes...

Hi Michelle, The book's thin air and dark matter I count among my favorite books of all time.

Will write more of these adult level books that set humans within the challenges of nature?

Do you consider these adult books or young adult books?

You've tackled solitude at altitude, in cold, and in lightness and darkness.

I could definitely see you doing a book on solitude in the mysterious desert environment, for example.

I love these books because they offer the reader a new but real experience of a frontier we will probably not experience in our lives.

Thank you Michelle for your work.
Linda Salem, not yet published fiction author

Michelle Replies...

Dear Linda, I'm so glad that you've enjoyed Dark Matter and Thin Air.  To answer your question,  I regard them as adult stories, although I'm aware that some older children have read and enjoyed them.  You mentioned a desert setting for another story, and funnily enough, I originally thought of setting Dark Matter in a desert; but  it wasn't long before I realised that it had to be a polar story! In fact, my next supernatural story will take place in a tropical rainforest. I think that should provide a good contrast with Dark Matter, Thin Air and Wakenhyrst.  Thanks again for getting in touch.  With best wishes, Michelle

What happens next?

Stanley writes...

Dear Michelle Paver,
I'm Stanley and I've just recently finished reading Wolfbane. I'm so distraught the Wolf Brother series has come to an end. Thank you so much for publishing this series and they are the best books I've read for a very long, long time. Two quick questions. What happens tO Renn and Torak after Wolfbane and will you write any prequel books that follow on the Ancien Chronicles of Darkness series. Thanks ever so much,

Michelle Replies...

Dear Stanley, I'm sorry that you were distraught on finishing Wolfbane - although that does credit to your powers of really getting into a story.  That's a skill which won't leave you, and you're to be congratulated.  Now to your questions: no, I've no plans to write any prequel books.  I've never liked them myself, as I find them slightly depressing, because one knows what's going to happen later.  Also, I prefer to give readers only hints at what went before - for instance, about Fin-Kedinn's earlier life, and Fa's - and if I filled all that in with a prequel, I think it would destroy the mystery.  As to what happens to Renn and Torak, and Wolf and Dark and all the other characters after Wolfbane - I'm afraid I'm going to leave that entirely up to the readers.  It's for you to imagine whatever you like.  I hope that answer isn't too annoying.  And again, I'm glad that you enjoyed the stories!  With very best wishes, Michelle

Thank you so much for giving us wonderful stories!

Yuka writes...

I love Wolf Brother from Japan

Michelle Replies...

Dear Yuka, Konichiwa - and thank you so much for your lovely message, I'm delighted that you love Wolf Brother!  May the guardian run with you... With very best wishes, Michelle

wolf brother

mikahil writes...

how did torak meet the boar

Michelle Replies...

Dear Mikahil, the title of your message is "Wolf Brother", but from memory, I don't think Torak meets a boar in that book.  Maybe you're referring to his brief sort-of friendship with a large male boar in Spirit Walker?  In that story, the boar just happens by Torak's fire one night in Chapter Eight - as creatures tend to do in the Forest.  Torak tries to get across that he's not hunting him, and after that the boar keeps him company for a while (at least, that's how it feels to Torak) - before things go spectacularly wrong.  I hope this answers your question - and thank you for getting in touch!  With best wishes, Michelle

Will there be more books in the series

Paul writes...

Would be there more books in the series chronicles of ancient darkness (I know I've already seen that there will be no more. But for a straight 3 weeks i can't stop thinking about it) i can't stop reading

Michelle Replies...

Dear Paul, I'm afraid you're right that there won't be any more Wolf Brother books after the ninth and final one: Wolf Bane really is the end.  This is because, with the three final books (VIPER'S DAUGHTER, SKIN TAKE & WOLF BANE), I think I've given Torak, Renn and Wolf a good send-off - as well as dealing with quite a lot of the emotional aftermath of what they went through in the previous six books.  I'm really glad that you've had such a strong connection with the books. Perhaps a bit of re-reading might help?  Thanks for getting in touch.  And may the guardian run with you!  Michelle

Birthday Books

Stella writes...

Hello, I wanted to reach out to you about my daughter, Nox. She's been a huge fan of your "Wolf Brother" series ever since she was in 4th grade. ( she is now in 8th grade) She's really dedicated and passionate about your books! Your books have had a deep effect on her, inspiring and nurturing her love for reading in ways that are difficult to put into words. All of her school tests have her reading at a college level.

Nox has discovered comfort and excitement within the stories of your books. She even went through a fun period where she dreamt of being apart of a wolf pack. Often speaking of the strength and determination of a wolf. She has read the series multiple times, and every time she reads it, she feels just as happy and excited as she did the first time.

Last year we had to leave our home suddenly because of unexpected and unsafe circumstances. During all the chaos, Nox unfortunately lost a lot of her treasured belongings, including her beloved collection of books. I have been able to replace them, but, I can't replace those memories she had staying up late and reading the story. I've personally seen how much strength and comfort your stories have given her during these tough times. I'm reaching out because I want to bring some joy.

Nox's birthday is coming up quickly on November 18th, and I can't think of a better gift than a signed copy of one of your "Wolf Brother" books. It would be really special and meaningful. I understand that you need this request to be completed quickly, and I am happy to cover any extra expenses that may arise in order to make it happen faster. If it's not possible to get it done by her birthday, I'd still be really happy to give it to her as a Christmas gift instead.

I would really appreciate it if you could help me with the process of buying a signed copy of your book for Nox. Your stories have brought so much joy and excitement into her life, and I really want to bring back some of that magic for her.

I really appreciate you taking the time to read my post. Thank you so much. I am incredibly grateful for the stories you have shared, as they have not only touched my daughter's soul, but also countless young readers worldwide. Your gift of storytelling is truly remarkable, and I cannot express enough how thankful I am for it.

Hello, I hope this message finds you well.

Michelle Replies...

Deare Stella, thank you for your message.  I'm delighted that my Wolf Brother stories have meant so much to your daughter - and sorry that she lost her copies under what sounds like difficult circumstances.  Your idea of getting a signed book for her does you credit as a caring mother; but I'm afraid I can't help you.  You see, I get requests for signed copies from all over the world, and if I did it for one child, I would have to do it for all.  And I simply don't have the time. I am sorry, and I would like to wish Nox a really special birthday on the 18th.  With best wishes, Michelle