Ask Michelle
Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
Sharon writes...
Hi Michelle,
I'm an English literature and writing tutor for students that are in 3rd grade through high school. One of my favorite books that I read with 4th through 6th-graders is Wolf Brother. And, I always hope that they will continue on their own to read the other eight books in this fantastic series. I am also an avid Audible user and so enjoy listening to the great Sir Ian McKellen narrate your books. However, I have some questions for you:
1. Why are two of your books in this series, Spirit Walker and Soul Eater, unavailable on Audible? That is really upsetting to me because I love listening to this series from time to time, but can never listen to these titles that aren't on Audible. Is there any way to make these titles available on Audible? If so, please do it! Also, I have the same questions for the Gods and Warriors series since only book 1 is available on Audible.
2. I know that you gave rights to some entity to produce a TV series on COAD but that never came to pass. Is there any current effort to bring your books to the small screen? Multitudes of viewers would love to see that come to pass if it could be done well.
3. I believe it is the case that Torak never encounters anyone from the Wolf Clan other than Fa. Why? Did they all die? Or are they so secretive that they stay away from all other clans and never want contact with anyone? I'm curious.
Thank you again for your wonderful books and the hours of enjoyment you have given me and my students. I'd like to share with you that my 21-year-old son and I went on a two-day backpacking trip in Tahoe National Forest and built a large fire pit on a giant rock formation and listened to Wolf Brother while enjoying the gorgeous night sky and the firelight. It was an amazing time! Also, I have listened a couple of times to Thin Air and Dark Matter, and they are fabulously creepy!! I was scared.
Take care, Sharon
Michelle Replies...
Dear Sharon, I'm delighted that you, your students and son have enjoyed my books; and listening to Wolf Brother at night in Tahoe National Forest sounds amazing! To answer your questions: (1) I'm afraid I've no idea why Spirit Walker and Soul Eater aren't available on Audible. You're not the first person who's asked, and I can only suggest you enquire of Audible, or of my publishers. Sorry I can't be of more help. As for Gods and Warriors, the publishers decided not to record any audiobooks after Book 1, so that's the only one available. (2) There's no current news on bringing the books to the small (or big) screen; if this changes, it will be posted on my website. (3) Concerning the Wolf Clan: you're right, they're very elusive, but they do make a brief appearence early on in Outcast (Book 4). Thanks so much for getting in touch. With best wishes, Michelle
name for my little cub
Hanna writes...
Dear Dear Michelle,
My name is Hanna and I Live in the Netherlands. I've been searching for a name, a special name to give to my firstborn (boy or girl, we don't know). I've opened my copies of Wolfbrother (Dutch translation is Torak and Wolf) and searched for names. and I was wondering, were there any names that you left out of the stories? Names that could belong in your magical world? Like many others, your stories have changed my way of really seeing the world as a wondrous place with natural miracles all around us. So I think it would fit to look for a name in your stories.
I am thinking about the name Renn. I think it's beautiful for a boy or a girl.
I hope you read this mail someday,
with love, Hanna
Michelle Replies...
Dear Hanna, what an unusual and lovely request; I am honoured that you are thinking of naming your baby from my stories. It's a great idea to ask if there are any names I left out of the stories, but I'm afraid there aren't. This is because I only ever created a new name once I had a character firmly in mind. It then often took a while to create the right name - or to find it among the names of indigenous peoples such as the Inuit or the Sami - and I then had to live with it for a while, and see whether it felt right. (I should add that I'm so glad you like the name Renn, as I too think it's beautiful; and as I recall, it was one of the easier ones to work out!) All I can suggest is that you do as you are already doing: flick through the various stories of Torak en Wolf (as the series is known in Holland), and maybe make a list of possibles. Once your baby is born, I would guess that his or her own character will help you find the right name - whether it ends up being from my stories, or somewhere else entirely. I do hope all goes well, and I'm sending my very best wishes to you and your soon-to-be born baby. Regards, Michelle
Wolf Brother
Chris writes...
Why did you write Wolf Brother?
(From Brodie, aged 9)
Michelle Replies...
Dear Brodie, The short answer to your question is that I wrote Wolf Brother because one day I had an idea for a story set in a forest about a boy, a girl, a wolf, and a huge bear. At the time I didn't know where the idea came from, but I knew it would be a really good story and that I had to write it. It was only after I'd written Wolf Brother, when people kept asking why I wrote it, that I realised it came from all sorts of things that had happened to me in my life, going right back to childhood - as well as a very scary encounter with a real bear in a forest in California. You can find more about that on my website wolfbrother.com: you go into the "cave" and click on "why I wrote Wolf Brother". But I hope this answer will do for now. Thanks for getting in touch, with very best wishes, Michelle
Love of the series
Siri writes...
Dear Michelle
I’m a 26 year old reader and have been following the world of wolf brother since it was first released when my mother picked it up back in 2004 and I have been absolutely hooked ever since.
I remember being deeply upset when I found out that Ghost Hunter would be the last in the series and as such felt sheer joy at hearing that the series would be continued for another three book. A great shame for it to ultimately end but fantastically done and a good place for it to end.
I have absolutely loved every single aspect of the series from the beginning till now, in particular the writings from the perspectives of Wolf.
Stemming from the childhood love, I have read, and reread the series many many times and have always come back to it as a comfort series to read if I feel like just sitting down to read. My love of the series even inspired me to try and make my own slate knife when I was young. My later years have led me to desire tattoos for the series drawn from the cover art.
I am also so spectacularly in love with Ian’s readings of the books and will listen to them frequently as I go about my day and often find myself attempting to imitate his style and voices, an excellent choice!
I look forward to one day showing the stories to my own children and hopefully pass long the love of this incredible series.
Thank you ever so much for writing and creating such an incredible world that I love so deeply.
Best wishes
Michelle Replies...
Dear Siri, What can I say to such a lovely, heartfelt message? You painted such a picture of your experience of reading the books as a child, and I love the fact that you tried to make your own slate knife! I'm also really pleased that you like the way the series finally ends, with Wolfbane - and I'm delighted that you feel so strongly about Ian's magnificent readings of the books. I do too; and being in the recording studio for every one of his recordings made me feel so privileged, it was almost like a reward for writing the stories. Thank you again for getting in touch. With very best wishes, Michelle
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series
Rita writes...
Hello, I’m a 69 year old woman who enjoys a lot of books written for children. Afterwards I recommend to my grandchildren and friends.
I enjoyed listening to your first book in this series, Wolf Brother. Will books 2 and 3 in the series be available unabridged on Audible?
Thank you for sharing your wonderful imagination,
Michelle Replies...
Dear Rita, I'm delighted that you enjoyed Wolf Brother! The rest of the series, read by the marvellous Ian McKellen, ought to be available, as his recordings have been acclaimed and long enjoyed by readers; however I'm afraid that I don't know about their availability on Audible or any other specific platform. I can only suggest that you contact the publishers, who handle these things. Sorry I can't be of more help, and thank you for getting in touch. With best wishes, Michelle
Temporary Tattoo Sheet
Raven writes...
Hi Michelle,
I've been meaning to read through Chronicles of Ancient Darkness again (as I finally have some extra time) since I recently learned that there were three new books to read! So, so excited to buy them and continue the adventures in the world I adored as a kid.
However, there's been a question on my mind ever since I was gifted my copy of Wolf Brother many years ago that I cannot stop thinking about. I have a temporary tattoo sheet full of all of the books' front cover symbols (Wolf, Orca, Ice Bear, Torak, etc.) - is this something that was placed in every hardcover copy of the book? Or was I gifted a special edition somehow? I have not seen anyone discuss this tattoo sheet online, nor do I know anyone personally who has read the series, so I have been too scared to try and use it! Though I'm unsure if it would still work effectively after so many years of preservation haha.
Is this temporary tattoo sheet special? Do you know if it was only associated with a particular edition of Wolf Brother? I'd greatly appreciate any information to help solve this decade-or-so-long mystery!
And also, thank you for writing one of the most influential book series I've ever read. The feelings I experienced when reading through the journey of Torak and Wolf have never left me, even so many years later. I look forward to completing the more recently released trilogy soon as well. Thank you.
Best wishes,
Michelle Replies...
Dear Raven, I'm so glad that you enjoyed the stories as a child. The sheet of temporary tattoos did indeed come with a particular edition of Wolf Brother, many years ago, so by now there probably aren't that many of them left. Indeed, I only have one copy with the tattoos in it, in my own collection - and like you, I've never tried them out. Still, these things are meant to be used, so if I were you, I'd give them a try. Thanks for getting in touch - and I really hope that you enjoy returning to Torak's world, in the final three books! With very best wishes, Michelle
The World of Torak, Renn and Wolf
Noora writes...
Dear Michelle Paver,
I am a 19-year-old reader and fan from Finland. It might be quite late to express my adoration for your novels, considering the fact that your latest ones have been published over a year ago, but I would still like to try. I first stumbled upon your beautiful writing style and compelling storytelling when one of my close friends recommended Wolf Brother to me back in November 2018. I originally read the first six parts of Wolf Brother in Finnish and briefly said, I fell in love with every single page of them. Just this spring I got Viper's Daughter, Skin Taker and Wolfbane, and after life had interfered quite a few times, I finally finished reading Wolfbane this autumn. Closing the last part of what has become a favorite series of mine felt like saying goodbye to a dear friend. There isn't many words that I am able to put together to describe the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions your books have brought up in my mind during these years, but one thing is sure: I will be back to visit the world of Torak, Renn and Wolf many, many times in the future. I won't make this statement any longer, so I'll just leave it to this: thank you for writing something so authentic, original and inspiring as Wolf Brother. Your work (everything from your researches to worldbuilding and storytelling) is something one of a kind.
And if this isn't something you have already answered to somewhere, I would like to ask you the following:
Was there a certain moment or a specific reason that you become intrigued by the Arctic wilderness and the Nordic historical aspects which you write about?
Kind regards, and wish you all the best!
Michelle Replies...
Dear Noora, Thank you so much for such a beautiful and heartfelt message - and in perfect English! I'm delighted that you enjoyed your return to Torak's world after so many years away, and even more that you intend to return. Your question about what drew me to the Arctic and all things Nordic isn't, as I recall, something I've been asked before; at least, not that I can remember. But it's a good question, albeit one that's hard to answer, as it goes back a long way. When I was a child, I read a brilliant English version of the Norse myths, and fell in love with them. My favourite god was Odin (who, incidentally, had wolf and raven companions, like Torak) - but above all, my imagination was fired by the thought of the vast forests, mountains and fjords. From then on, I was drawn to all things Nordic - and thence to the Arctic. Perhaps too it was a reaction against my background: I was born in central Africa and my father was South African, and although I loved him, maybe unconsciously I wanted to head north, to find somewhere for myself. But this is all after-the-fact rationalisation, and the truth is probably buried unreachably in my unconscious! Thank you again for getting in touch, and may you spend many more happy times in Torak's world. With very best wishes, Michelle
Thank you for writing the sequels
Kiara writes...
Hello Michelle,
I'm not sure if you're ever going to read this, but I can faintly remember that some 15 years ago when I was 10 years old, I had just finished the last book of the Chronicles of the Ancient Darkness for the first time. I could barely speak English at the time - let alone write it on your website - but I remember I wrote a similar message like this, with less structured grammar probably, asking you to write a sequel to the last book. By coincidence today I discovered there is not just one, but three! I'm happy my prayers have been heard ;-).
I've always loved your books as a child and I'm looking forward to reading these new stories about Torak, Renn and Wolf. I just wanted to thank you for your important input in my childhood's reading experience, ensuring I'm still a big reader in my young adult life.
Kind regards,
Kiara Haegeman from Ghent, Belgium
Michelle Replies...
Dear Kiara,
What a great message to receive after a long and tiring week! I'm delighted that you're pleased about the sequels. I know that I meant it when I told your younger self all those years ago that I didn't intend to write anything after the sixth book - but then things changed. I had a really good idea, and I soon realised that it would need three more books, not just one. So there we are. I thoroughly enjoyed being back in Torak's world, and I really hope you enjoy it too, as and when you can get your paws on the books - even if though it may feel a little different, given that you're now grown up. Thanks so much for getting in touch. With very best wishes, Michelle
Wolf Brother
Ethan writes...
Dear Great Aunt Michelle, I have almost finished Wolf brother and I can't wait to see what happens to Torak. your book has helped expand my imagination.
But I have one question. . . is there no end to your amazing imagination ?
lots of love from Ethan.
Michelle Replies...
Dear Ethan, congratulations on nearly finishing Wolf Brother! I don't think I can give a straight answer to your question, except to say that someone much wiser than me once said that writing is one part inspiration, and nine parts perspiration. In other words, a lot of hard work goes into it, with a just a few sparks of imagination. Anyway, I really hope you like the ending of the story - and thanks again for getting in touch. Love, your great aunt Michelle
Torak and Renn
Sam writes...
Hi Michelle, I have just finished Wolfbane and I’ve really enjoyed The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. My question is if Torak and Renn ever break up. If so, is it because of Torak twisting Renn’s wrist to get the black root from her medicine pouch? Thanks, Sam
Michelle Replies...
Dear Sam, I'm really glad that you've enjoyed the Wolf Brother books, right up to the ninth and last one, Wolfbane. As a rule, I don't answer questions about what happens after the series ends, because I prefer to leave that to the reader's imagination. However in this one case I'll make an exception. Renn forgives Torak for twisting her wrist, although if you'll remember she warns him that she'll leave him if he ever touches her in anger again. She means it, he knows that she means it, and he never does - so they stay together. Thanks for getting in touch - and may the guardian run with you. Best wishes, Michelle