Ask Michelle
Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.
Wolf brother TV series
Stella writes...
Hi there, Michelle Paver.
I'm from Sweden. When I first read wolf brother, I was twelve. Now I am eighteen and I still get obsessed by these books. However I've got a question: Will there be a TV series? If so, when will it release date?
Michelle Replies...
Dear Stella,
I'm delighted that you still enjoy my books even now that you are older. As regards a tv series, I can tell you that we have done a deal with a wonderful pair of producers, but that's as far as we've got. This is normal for film or television development: first you do a deal with producers, then they try to raise money to make the film or series, find a screenwriter, get a script written, find a director, and so on. This can take years - and is actually very difficult. In fact, most film deals don't end up going into production - that is, actually getting made. In the case of the WOLF BROTHER books, I've done about four or five separate film deals since I first wrote WOLF BROTHER back in 2004 - and none of them has yet resulted in a film! This is just the way it goes.
All this is a long-winded way of saying that although I do currently have a deal for a tv series, we are still a very long way from starting filming, and have no idea whether it will actually come about. So, er, don't hold your breath! However if there are any developments, you may be sure that I will announce it on my website.
I'm sorry I can't be more definite.
Best wishes, Michelle
Signings in Scotland?
Zoe writes...
Hi there
Just wondering if Michelle will be doing any signings in Scotland at all? Thanks
Michelle Replies...
Dear Zoe,
I'm afraid I won't be doing any signings this year in Scotland, and actually I've no plans for more signings this year - apart from the one at Westonbirt Arboretum on 27 August. Sorry to disappoint you; but you see, I did quite a few signings earlier this year, when WOLF BANE came out - and now I need to get down to some writing! Just so you know, any future signings will always be posted on my website. Thanks for getting in touch,
Dark holds a special place in my heart
Luca writes...
First a comment, I just wanted to let you know how much you and your books mean to me- having grown up with them and growing with the characters over time.
Torak, Wolf and Renn's journeys were amazing to witness, but Dark holds a special place in my heart, and has ever since Ghost Hunter.
I have wondered since finishing Wolf Bane, but have you always had ideas about Dark's character growth and his sexuality (I'm unsure of how spoiler heavy I should be with this, forgive me if its too detailed)
The books have always been inspired to draw by your books, so I thought I would leave my most recent drawing of Dark.
Michelle Replies...
Dear Luca, I'm so very glad that these books have meant a lot to you, and thank you for sharing your liking for Dark. I particularly liked him too, and (without, as you say, including any spoilers here!), I always knew what his true nature was - and where I would like him to end up - but when I was writing GHOST HUNTER I realised that I wouldn't have room in that story to deal with the rest of his character. To have tried in that book would have been to trivialise it. So, with regret, I had to leave it unsaid. It was therefore one of the great joys of writing the final three books that I have had enough space to do Dark justice - and to find him a really nice partner.
Many thanks for getting in touch. Regards, Michelle
Definitely the best book EVER
Elin writes...
Hello! Me and my friends all love your incredible books. We read Wolfbane a chapter a day together, and all cried at the end! Wolf Brother is definitely the best book EVER, and it has inspired and moved me so much. I'm really grateful you wrote them! Talking about our Wolfbane theories and favourite charecters has brought all of us so much joy. And also I was wondering, Torak and Renn have a bit of a habit of running away to protect each other, which makes them argue; do you think they'll stop after the ending of Wolfbane? And also thank you so much for the Dark and Kujai storyline. It has moved me so much. Thank you 🙂
Michelle Replies...
Dear Elin,
What a great idea for you and your friends to read a chapter a day - and I'm really pleased that you liked the Dark/Kujai storyline, as I very much enjoyed writing it! I'm also particularly delighted that you enjoyed WOLF BANE so much, as I was very keen to keep up the quality of the series right through the ninth and final book. Judging from your comments, it seems that I've succeeded.
As for Torak and Renn... yes, they'll probably have a few summers off from rescuing each other, although I doubt that their adventures are over. It's just that I won't be writing them.
Best wishes, Michelle
From Darjeeling to Kanchenjunga
Ed writes...
Dear Michelle, I greatly enjoyed Thin Air. Indeed, I’d like to follow the protagonists journey from Darjeeling to Kanchenjunga. I believe you took just such a journey. Is there a travel agency or your company you’d recommend? Thank you, Ed
Michelle Replies...
Dear Ed,
I'm so glad that you enjoyed THIN AIR. I did indeed follow part of the protagonists' journey, but I didn't trek all the way to Kangchenjunga Base Camp, as that would have taken longer than I had time for (although I believe some companies do do that trek, if you're up for it). In 2015 I went with World Expeditions (who were then based in Wimbledon but I think they've since moved) and trekked from Yuksam in Sikkim to Dzongri, where we spent a few days exploring, before trekking back to Yuksam. I started off in Darjeeling, then we drove to Sikkim, and much of the trek was through the foothills, which is much as I describe in the book. I found World Expeditions very good, with an excellent guide whom I mention in the Author's Note. Obviously, that was a few years ago, though, so I have no idea if things have changed since then. Again, I'm glad that you liked the book - and the best of luck with your travel planes, it's a fascinating part of the world!
Regards, Michelle
Voracious reader
Bo writes...
Hi Michelle,
I just wanted to thank you for your lovely books in the name of my little daughter Josephine. She is on the picture attached. She’s only 9, but a voracious reader. She just finished reading the the books that she is pictured with (she’s sooo proud) and we just ordered some more for her. We looked up your bio and found out that you used to be local to us. We live in Southfields, Josephine goes to Wimbledon Park Primary School and her big sister Izabella goes to your alma mater Wimbledon High School. We can’t wait to have your new books around. Thank you so much again, Bo
Michelle Replies...
Dear Bo,
I'm delighted that Josephine like the books - and how wonderful to hear that she's a voracious reader. I really hope she enjoys the rest of the series, all nine books of them!
With best wishes, Michelle
Do Renn and Torak ever have a child?
Ruby writes...
Hello my name is Ruby and I am so excited to be contacting you. My question is do Renn and Torak ever have a child? You might not have thought that far but I would just like to know anyway.
Hello my names Liana and i am in year 6.Over the past year i have been reading your books and always wanted to meet you.I love the wild and in wolfs like wolf dogs. My question is why have you stopped the series it was so good?
Hello my name is Rezahusein karim i am your biggest fan i really enjoyed wolf brother and wind singer and spirit walker and all the rest. Over the past year i have been reading your books and always wanted to meet you. my queation is will toraks gift be past on to his son (if he has one)
this is from your biggest fan RezaHusein karim
Michelle Replies...
Hello, Ruby and Liana, I'm so glad you're enjoying the WOLF BROTHER books. To answer your questions:
- Will Torak and Renn have a child? I'm going to leave that one for readers to answer for themselves, as they wish!
- Why have I stopped with WOLF BANE, the ninth book? Because I feel strongly that it's now up to Torak, Renn and Wolf to get on with their lives, and I wouldn't want to start repeating myself, and letting the quality of the stories go down. I think I've given them a good send-off, and I hope that readers will have fun imagining what happens next.
- Will Torak's gift be passed on to his son if he has one? Again, I leave that to readers!
- Hope that answers your questions - at least, to some extent. And thanks for getting in touch. Best wishes, Michelle
Such a big fan
Rezahusein writes...
hello i am such a big fan i have written 2 times now to call you my hero again
lots of xoxoxo
rezahusein karim
Michelle Replies...
Thanks, Rezahusein. I've just caught up with my emails and answered your earlier questions. Really glad that you like my stories so much, and it's great that you like reading too!
Best wishes, Michelle
The best birthday present I ever got
Ophelia May writes...
Dear Michelle,
Hello - my name is Ophelia Gillyon. I actually met you once! My parents got me into a visit at what I think was the Reading Wolf Conservation Trust for my 13th birthday - in 2009! Good grief! - to speak with you and walk with wolves. I’d loved the Chronicles ever since I picked up Wolf Brother in ‘05. I definitely wasn’t the only kid there, so I have no idea if you’ll remember me or not, but I had really, really long hair and, on the day, I went absolutely mental churning out the best wolf-related sample of prose for you that I could muster.
I’m 26 now, and I still look back on this as the best birthday present I ever got. I went on to do an English degree, and attribute much of my love for the subject to the intense connection I had to your series as a kid. I’m so excited to pick up the most recent instalments!
I wish I had a picture of me winning my primary school’s World Book Day costume contest, dressed up as a little Torak. I hope this suffices instead.
Thanks so much again for everything.
Michelle Replies...
Dear Ophelia,
What a long time ago the UKWCT feels like, and I think I can recall a long-haired and very excited little girl, chiefly because of her very wolfy prose. It's marvellous to hear that you went on to get an English degree - many congratulations - and I'm chuffed that my stories may have played their part in fostering a love of English. I really hope you enjoy the last three instalments of the series!
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Best wishes, Michelle
Modern horror authors that you really like
Shonna writes...
Your writing is very spooky, especially in your horror novels, but even in your young adult series as well. I was wondering if you have any modern horror authors that you really like or modern horror books? I have found myself most scared by you and Darcy Coates to name a few. Happy reading and writing! 🙂
Michelle Replies...
Dear Shonna,
Hmm, that's a tricky one, as I don't read many modern horror or ghost books. That's not because there aren't any really good ones, it's just that I prefer not to be influenced too much, and also I love reading the old Victorian or Edwardian ghost stories. One modern book I did enjoy, though, was Sarah Moss's COLD EARTH. It's set in Greenland on an archaelogical expedition, and it really does have a terrific atmosphere. It's also incredibly compelling: I just sat there and read it all day. I haven't caught up with her more recent books, but I'd definitely check her out. I hope that helps - and happy reading!
Best wishes, Michelle