Elyane writes…
Our family loves your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series not only the books but the audio cds as well for road trips and nights around the stove.
Will there be an audio book for Wolfbane?
Elyane Saul
Michelle Replies…
Dear Elyane,
What a lovely picture that conjures up: the whole family in the car, and/or around the stove, listening to Ian McKellen’s inimitable tones reading the Wolf Brother stories! And yes there is indeed an audio book of Wolfbane, it came out last spring, at the the same time as the book – although whether it’s available in California (where I’m guessing you are, from your email address, though I could be wrong) I don’t know. I do hope so, because he gave yet another marvellous reading. Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to be present for every day of each one of his recordings of my stories, and it has been such a privilege to watch. He really inhabits each character: he becomes Wolf when he reads from his point of view, and even moves like him. At times I haven’t known how he was going to voice a given characters. For instance, how do you give voice to the Sea Mother? I needn’t have worried. In that particular case, he started making slow wave-like movements with his arms, and then the voice of the Sea Mother issued forth – and everyone in the recording studio (including me) went shivery and got goosebumps (in England we call them goose pimples). It was awe-inspiring. I’ve always told Ian that if he’d lived in the Stone Age, he would have been a Mage.
Thank you for getting in touch – and for reminding me of good times with Ian in the recording studio. I will always be grateful to him for making the time in his busy schedule to record every single one of the Wolf Brother books. And I do hope that you can get your paws on the Wolfbane audio! With very best wishes, Michelle