Stella writes…
Hello, I wanted to reach out to you about my daughter, Nox. She's been a huge fan of your "Wolf Brother" series ever since she was in 4th grade. ( she is now in 8th grade) She's really dedicated and passionate about your books! Your books have had a deep effect on her, inspiring and nurturing her love for reading in ways that are difficult to put into words. All of her school tests have her reading at a college level.
Nox has discovered comfort and excitement within the stories of your books. She even went through a fun period where she dreamt of being apart of a wolf pack. Often speaking of the strength and determination of a wolf. She has read the series multiple times, and every time she reads it, she feels just as happy and excited as she did the first time.
Last year we had to leave our home suddenly because of unexpected and unsafe circumstances. During all the chaos, Nox unfortunately lost a lot of her treasured belongings, including her beloved collection of books. I have been able to replace them, but, I can't replace those memories she had staying up late and reading the story. I've personally seen how much strength and comfort your stories have given her during these tough times. I'm reaching out because I want to bring some joy.
Nox's birthday is coming up quickly on November 18th, and I can't think of a better gift than a signed copy of one of your "Wolf Brother" books. It would be really special and meaningful. I understand that you need this request to be completed quickly, and I am happy to cover any extra expenses that may arise in order to make it happen faster. If it's not possible to get it done by her birthday, I'd still be really happy to give it to her as a Christmas gift instead.
I would really appreciate it if you could help me with the process of buying a signed copy of your book for Nox. Your stories have brought so much joy and excitement into her life, and I really want to bring back some of that magic for her.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read my post. Thank you so much. I am incredibly grateful for the stories you have shared, as they have not only touched my daughter's soul, but also countless young readers worldwide. Your gift of storytelling is truly remarkable, and I cannot express enough how thankful I am for it.
Hello, I hope this message finds you well.
Michelle Replies…
Deare Stella, thank you for your message. I’m delighted that my Wolf Brother stories have meant so much to your daughter – and sorry that she lost her copies under what sounds like difficult circumstances. Your idea of getting a signed book for her does you credit as a caring mother; but I’m afraid I can’t help you. You see, I get requests for signed copies from all over the world, and if I did it for one child, I would have to do it for all. And I simply don’t have the time. I am sorry, and I would like to wish Nox a really special birthday on the 18th. With best wishes, Michelle