Chronicles of ancient darkness

Milan writes…

Hello Michelle! I read your series "Chronicles of ancient darkness" as a kid and always loved it. I loved the presence of nature in these books and how immersive they were. It has also taught me a lot!
I just learned that you have added three new books to the series and I'm excited about reading them!
French being my first language, I was wondering if a french version of these was planned and will it be out anytime soon.
I can read english but I just wanted to know if it was worth waiting for a french version.

Anyways, thank you for all the good time spent reading your books! Have a nice day!

Michelle Replies…

Dear Milan, I’m delighted that you enjoyed the books as a child – and that you’re keen to read the three sequels which I wrote recently, after a gap of several years.  I’m afraid Hachette have no plans to publish French translations (that’s their decision, in which I have no say) – so if you want to read them, you’ll need to do so in English.  Their titles are (in order) VIPER’S DAUGHTER, SKIN TAKER, & WOLF BANE.  I really hope you enjoy being back with Torak, Renn and Wolf!  With best wishes, Michelle