Ask Michelle Anything

Dark Matter the book

Dan writes…

Hi Michelle,
No question to ask, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Dark Matter – thank you for bringing Jack Miller into my life. I've been an avid fan of horror since I read my first Stephen King novel (which, if I remember, was Christine), at around 14. Since then I've read all sorts, from classics like M R James and Lovecraft through to modern writers like Adam Neville. At the ripe old age of 48, it's still a thrill to read a novel by someone who really knows how to capture the elements of horror and bring it to life, through great characters, beautiful description and a deep sense of poignancy. I could have wept for Jack! Anyway – cracking novel, looking forward to reading more of your work.
Best wishes

Michelle Replies…

Dear Dan, Thank you so much for your lovely message.  I’m delighted that you enjoyed DARK MATTER, particularly as you sound like a bit of an expert on all things ghostly and Gothic.  I might add that your email came at exactly the right time, as I’ve just begun a re-write of the first draft of my next Gothic/ghost story, which is set in a tropical rainforest.  As this is such a difficult genre, the re-write will be a formidable task, if an enjoyable one.  So thanks for providing some timely encouragement!

With very best wishes, Michelle