Vincendeau writes…
Hello MIchelle.
I m really enjoy to have find your website.
I m French woman : so apologize for my -bad- translation !
I discovered your books of aventures of Torak Wolf and Renn when I Was 12 years old. I foolowed their aventures until your Last book "ghost unter". I loved them !
I m not really fluent in english to say you, to say you properly the Way that your histories made me dream when I was young. I discovered this world through your writing !
Now I m 29. Today, since long time I opened the first book "Wolf brother" to read again your chronicles. I found another time the magic of your universe ! I dont get enough.
Then I discovered That you wrote not one but 3 others books ! My dream Come True !
I want to thank you to have continued the aventures of Torak Wolf Renn with 3 others books !
However after many research, it seems that your 3 books are not translate into French language. I permit me to ask you if it Will be possible to translate in French language your 3 books ? It Will be unbelievable ! But it s right, I don t know of it Will be possible.
In any case I thank you again and again for your writting your fabulous books !
I return to my reading !
Michelle Replies…
Dear Flore, thank you very much for your lovely message, and I’m delighted that you’ve enjoyed my books over the years. I’m afraid that at the moment Hachette have no plans to publish a French translation of the final three books in the WOLF BROTHER series. I don’t know why, but they just decided that they wouldn’t. You aren’t the only French reader who as asked this question, but I’m afraid there’s not much we can do about it. Although you could always write to them and suggest that they do; it might help!
I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful, and thanks again for getting in touch. I hope you continue to enjoy those of my stories which are available in French. (And by the way, your English is really good, and a lot better than my French!). With best wishes, Michelle