Ask Michelle Anything

Future book events?

Amy Noon writes…

Hi Michelle!! i have loved ur books since i was in year 3, i was one of the videos you watched in the live stream in 2022 on youtube. I live in england and was wondering if you are planning to have a book event similar to the one you had a couple years ago but this time in Milton Keynes possibly? i would LOVE to meet you and show you my support. I also wanted to ask if you ever thought about making merch!! You had a chronicles of ancient darkness tote bag on a giveaway a couple of years ago and i would definitely buy stuff like that normally 🙂

Have a great day,


Michelle Replies…

Dear Amy, it’s great that you’ve been enjoying my books, and what a long time ago that live stream seems now!  I’m afraid there isn’t any merchandise available at the moment, and I’ve currenly no plans to do book events or signings this year, as I’m horribly busy writing and looking after my elderly mother.  I hope that’s not too disappointing – and if things change, I’ll post it immediately on my website.  In the meantime, enjoy being in the Forest with Torak, Renn and Wolf!  With very best wishes, Michelle