Ask Michelle Anything

Les Chroniques des Temps Obscurs Tome 7-8-9 in French.

Stéphanie writes…

Looking for your book Les Chroniques des Temps Obscurs Tome 7-8-9 in French. I found #6 on Amazone. I read Tome 1-2-3-4-5 and would really like to continue the series because I like it :). Can you tell me if they are still available somewhere? I canot seem to find them and my bookstore could only get me up to #5.
Thank you very much 🙂

Michelle Replies…

Dear Stephanie, I’m afraid that Tomes 7, 8 and 9 have not been translated into French, and there aren’t any plans to do so in the future.  (That was not my decision, it was decided by the publishers, Hachette.)  So I’m afraid that if you want to read more, you will have to get the books in English.  Sorry about that!  With very best wishes, Michelle