Ask Michelle Anything

Recommend a literary agent


I’ve written a book set 12000 years ago in the area of Galilee and the Jordan Valley:
First Townsfolk: the Saga of One Family’s Adaptation to Catastrophic Climate Change

Can you recommend a literary agent to represent me?

Michelle Replies…

Dear Anton,

First, congratulations on finishing a full-length book. That shows commitment.  You’re right to want to find an agent.  The best way to do so is to get yourself a copy of either (or both) THE WRITER’S HANDBOOK and/or THE WRITER’S & ARTIST’S YEARBOOK.  These list all the UK-based literary agents, and publishers, and crucially they tell you what kind of books they handle, as well as how you should submit your work.  As I said, this is crucial.  For instance, you don’t want to send your whole book, if they only want a letter plus the first chapter.  There are probably online versions of these available, but when I last looked the print copies were still going strong.  I hope this helps – and good luck with your book.

Regards, Michelle