Ask Michelle Anything


Ryan writes…

Hello Michelle. Hoping you are well. Apologies for not contacting you for a while. I had meant to write to you after the Wolfbane event where we met last in Cambridge but as I’m sure you can imagine, life has just ran away with me. I just wanted to fire over a message to congratulate you on the deal for Rainforest which I saw was announced this week on the Bookseller. Saw that it was up on Amazon already, so of course I’ve preordered it ha. So very, very excited to read it and hoping there will be some events (life and commitments permitting of course) that we’ll be able to catch up at again! Wishing you all the best!

Ryan (HalfBloodRyan/Empire of Books/Life Time Clanner)

Michelle Replies…

Hello, Ryan, thanks so much for getting in touch – and I’m delighted that you’re excited about Rainforest!  I think it’s one of my best, and I’m really looking forward to hearing your views, you’ve always been such a loyal and perceptive reader.  Have a great summer, and thanks again for your message!  With very best wishes, Michelle