Thank you

Dan writes…

Dearest Michelle,

I just wanted to express my appreciation for the your writing. I read Wolf Brother and its sequels as a child (many years ago!). I am now a practicing doctor and have been struggling the last year due to physical and mental health issues, not helped by the intensity of the job. Now, nearly two decades(!) later, I have returned to your books in the hope of a distraction. There is so little time free that I’ve had to listen to the audiobooks on my drive to and from work.

It’s hard to describe how fantastic an escape the series has been. To summarise it, they truly have allowed me to escape from my “black web”, for which I am forever grateful.

Sending you best wishes, and may the guardian run with you!


Michelle Replies…

Dear Dan, I’m absolutely delighted that my stories have helped you, during what sounds like a pretty rough patch; and what a great idea to listen to Ian’s luminous audiobooks as you drive to and from work.  I do hope that your own “black web” is now a thing of the past.  Thank you so much for taking the time to get in touch – particularly given how busy you must be.  May the guardian run with you too!  Best wishes, Michelle