Max writes…
Hey! My name is Max, and The Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness became my saviour. I first came across the first book in the series Wolf Brother when I was in primary school year 5 I was 10 years old. And once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down! And basically never did. I’d read it, finish it, and then start again. I have Autism, and a few other diagnoses, and I felt like an alien most of the time, I didn’t fit in, I wasn’t interested in what other kids my age were interested in, and I become very withdrawn. But once I came across Wolf Brother, I didn’t feel alone, I felt as though Torak, Wolf, Renn and the others were my friends! Every time I read the book it was like I was in the book experiencing what they were, feeling what they felt, and it helped me open up, how to express how I felt and helped me to empathise with others, among other things. When I got to year 6 I must of read Wolf Brother 100s of times! And my head teacher at the time was the most caring and understanding woman I’ve ever met! And one day called me into her office and said she had a surprise for me… it was the entire book series in hardback form! I saw them and I actually cried! And to this day I still have them all, with their original sleeves 13 years later! They are my greatest treasure! I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read the series, and each time it’s just as good as the first time! They’ve helped through some of the toughest times of my life! It’s one of the very few things that have been a consistent safe place in my chaotic life! They will forever be my favourite books and they’ve been my savour over the years! I’ve got them in every form I think! From the physical copies, to the audio books, and the kindle versions, so I know that wherever I go, no matter what situation I’m in, if I need that safe place to go to then it’s there ready! Thank you so so much Michelle! You are a truly amazing writer, and I hope one day I can tell you in person how great you truly are, and how this series has saved me and become a beacon of light in my dark world!
Yours truly
Michelle Replies…
Dear Max,
Thank you so much for your wonderful, articulate, heartfelt message. It moved me almost to tears; and I’m not someone who cries easily! What you have described is, to me, the best thing about reading: if we find the right book, it makes us feel that we are not alone. That is an immensely powerful feeling, and one can only get it when one has the ability really to immerse oneself in a book: an ability which you clearly had from an early age. I am so delighted and proud that my stories helped you when you were at school, and continue to do so. And I”m glad that you had a wonderful, caring head teacher, who took the time to see what the stories meant to you. Thank you again for so much for getting in touch. If you haven’t already done so, you might enjoy the finall three stories of Torak, Renn and Wolf, which I wrote recently.
In the meantime, may the guardian run with you!
With very best wishes, Michelle