Ask Michelle Anything

Wolf Brother

Chris writes…

Why did you write Wolf Brother?

(From Brodie, aged 9)

Michelle Replies…

Dear Brodie,  The short answer to your question is that I wrote Wolf Brother because one day I had an idea for a story set in a forest about a boy, a girl, a wolf, and a huge bear.  At the time I didn’t know where the idea came from, but I knew it would be a really good story and that I had to write it.  It was only after I’d written Wolf Brother, when people kept asking why I wrote it, that I realised it came from all sorts of things that had happened to me in my life,  going right back to childhood – as well as a very scary encounter with a real bear in a forest in California.  You can find more about that on my website you go into the “cave”  and click on “why I wrote Wolf Brother”.  But I hope this answer will do for now.  Thanks for getting in touch, with very best wishes, Michelle