Ask Michelle Anything

Wolf brother Artwork/Illustratio

Nadia writes…

I have loved your books since I was little. I aspire to be an artist/illustrator. And for my final project for university have illustrated 5 double page spreads and a book cover back and spine for the book wolf brother. Illustrating Torak, Fa, wolf and the bear. It would be a dream come true for you to see my work. I am a huge fan and adore your work. You inspire me!

Michelle Replies…

Hello, Nadia.  I’m delighted and honoured that my stories have inspired you!  Last time I looked, there was a place on my website for readers to post artwork. If you feel comfortable with showing your work, that would be a good way of lett ing me see it too; but only if you’re comfortable with that.  Either way, huge congratulations to you for having completed what sounds like a substantial final-year project – and the very best of luck with your career as an artist/illustrator!

Best wishes, Michelle