RE: A Recent ReReading

Evan writes… A few months ago I asked a question subjected "A Recent ReReading", and a little while afterwards I got an email saying my question had been replied to, but on the email the "Michelle replies" section was blank, and I haven't been able to find it on-site. I hope it's not annoying of…

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Gods and Warriors

Kay writes… I'd like to say how much I enjoyed the Gods and Warriors series. It always seems underappreciated compared to the Wolfbrother series (which I also really enjoyed, incidentally) In both series – but particularly G&W- the style of writing, the density of information and the creation of atmosphere were masterly. I know the…

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Croniques des Temps Obscurs

LAURENT writes… Hello Madam, please can you help me; I can't find Tom 1 of Chroniques des Temps Obscures In French; thank you for your writing which takes us to periods where the sun lights up my moments or the desire to escape the monotony of the days that pass cordially Guy Calixte LAURENT Michelle…

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