Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Kathy writes… I have just finished Wolfbane, book nine of Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. What a roller coaster of events and emotions throughout the whole nine books, which I have just about managed to survive. I think part of my enthralment of the books comes from the tribes belief that literally everything has a…

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Charlie writes… When I was around 10 or 11, my best friend introduced me to a book. It would go on to change the trajectory of my life – no exaggeration! The book was, of course, Wolf Brother. Before long, our entire Primary 6/7 class was obsessed – one girl decided that she would marry…

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Edited version! Compliments to Wolf brother

Amy writes… Hi Michelle Paver, I starting middle school and my librarian recommended the first book of the series, Wolf brother! He read the first chapter to us and from then on, I become completely enthralled in this world of nature, survival and action 🐺. The first chapter gripped everybody in our class, and I…

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Wolf brother!!

Esme writes… Hi again! It’s Esme! I just wanted to ask a few more questions 1. When is Torak’s birthday 🎉 2. When is renn’s birthday 🥳 3. When is Wolf’s birthday 🎂 Michelle Replies… Hello, Esme.  Torak’s birthday is Midsummer night, which these days people say is either 21 or 24 June, although of…

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Wolf brother books 📖

Esme writes… My name is Esme and I am 11 years old. I am writing to you to ask if you could please 🙏🏼 write more wolf 🐺 brother books because i love them too much! I have never in my whole entire life loved a series more than this one. I can’t even say…

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Asking about wolf brother books

Chris writes… I love your books too much that I can’t even say how much I love them 😍 Please can you make more wolf brother books because i have read all of them and i love them too much! I can’t find any other series of books that I love as much as yours!…

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Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Inspiration

Emily writes… Hello! I just wanted to say that this series, even as a 24 year old, holds the biggest place in my heart. I have never felt so immersed into a world before. I read these when I was very young, and have re-read them so, so many times since. Young me always dreamt…

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Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness

Jacob writes… Hello, Michelle! My name is Jacob and I am 14. I recently sent a message to your mailbox. When I sent it I hadn’t actually finished the last book. Upon finishing it, I saw in the authors note that your neighbors from wimbledon had helped you with writing about wolfs tail. I was…

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Sobre Crónicas de la prehistoria

Juan writes… Hola Michelle!!! Soy un seguidor de “Crónicas de la prehistoria “ y me gustaría saber si en un futuro se plantearía la producción de una serie animada de la saga. Muchísimas gracias por crear y compartir esta maravillosa historia!!! Un cordial y cariñoso saludo!!! Michelle Replies… Hola, Juan Carlos!  Actually I don’t speak…

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Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Lucie writes… Hey Michelle, Im from Germany and read the series in German. Usually, I'm not really into reading but a friend read out loud some parts of Spirit Walker and I was amazed. I started reading and finished the first six books faster than I have ever read in my life. Yesterday I found…

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