I Want To Simply Thank You For Your Dedication And Hard Work

Joyce writes… I want to simply thank you for your dedication and hard work to bring this series to life. I first read Wolf Brother when I was in 4th grade, and now as a 26-year-old woman, I just finished Ghost Hunter and am currently waiting for Viper’s Daughter to come in the mail. I…

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Publishing advice

Benjamin writes… Hello Mrs/Miss Paver. Absolutely love the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness saga. It’s the only book series I’ve read five times or more. It’s one of those stories where you can feel what’s been written. It really does make you route for every hero. As an apsiring author, what advice would you give on…

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Wolf brother book to TV series?

Poppy writes… Haiii I wanted to say I LOVE the world brother series, I’m currently rereading it for I think the fourth time now (I lost track haha) and I still absolutely love it so thank you so much for creating something so special :), basically I was wondering whether you were still trying to…

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