Chronicles of ancient darkness

Coleman writes… I was fortunate enough to be able to read/ listen to the series as they came out and I was thinking that they would make an amazing TV show especially if it were abke to really follow the books. It's such a different area and style of TV show that's out now I…

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Vaughan writes… Hi, I just wanted to thank you for writing your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. I first read the series as a kid, and recently (being 24 doing my masters) wanted to give it a go again. There was a lot of fear involved, I wasn’t sure the series would hold up as…

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Wolf brother

Coleman writes… I'm sure you probably get this a lot, but I've been lucky enough to read/ listen to the entire Chronicles of ancient darkness as they came out (even pre-ordered a few) and I was just wondering if you've ever thought about making a TV show out of them. I think it'd be really…

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Holly writes… Hi Michelle! I work at my local library and (luckily) they have gorgeous hardback editions of Dark Matter and Thin Air. I read them both in a week (they were a month or so apart, I get very spooked) with my little book light and rain sounds in the background. I was just…

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Theme of uncertainty in the Wolf Brother series

Garrett writes… Why did you intertwine the theme of uncertainty into the Wolf Brother books, where the main characters are always confronting the unknown and the dangers of the forest, without any warning or certainty of events? I recall the brief dialogue between Fin-kedinn and Torak in the book Oath Breaker, in the beginning of…

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Touring 2024

Ethan writes… Hello Michelle, I've been wondering whether you will do touring – would just love to meet you in person! Me and my friends love reading your Wolf Brother Series, and a meet and greet would make things so much more special! Warm Wishes, Ethan Michelle Replies… Hello, Ethan. It’s great that and your…

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Anna writes… Hello, I have been a fan of these books for such a long time. but I cant remember if we see the part where Torak gets the soul eater mark or if I'm being silly and there wasn't one. If there was one please tell me what chapter it is. I was also…

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A 10th Book?

Mira writes… Dear Ms Paver, I hope you are well! I have hugely enjoyed reading the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness – the series was really a joy to read! I love the impact it had on the reader and it hooked me to read on from the very first book to the very last. This…

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Les Chroniques des Temps Obscurs Tome 7-8-9 in French.

Stéphanie writes… Looking for your book Les Chroniques des Temps Obscurs Tome 7-8-9 in French. I found #6 on Amazone. I read Tome 1-2-3-4-5 and would really like to continue the series because I like it :). Can you tell me if they are still available somewhere? I canot seem to find them and my…

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Gods and Warriors audio books?

Felicity writes… Hi Michelle, I've LOVED listening to the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series with my daughter on audible. We were rather at a loss when we didn't have Torak and Renn in our lives! We discovered the first book in the Gods and Warriors series, which again we have really enjoyed listening to. Will…

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