Ask Michelle Anything

I cannot wait!

Tereza writes…

Dear Mrs Paver,

First of all, as many others before me, I would like to thank you for creating the work of art that The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness are. The books have been with me since primary school and stuck with me to the present day, I cannot remember how many times I have read them already and there is no doubt that I will read them again in the future.
I will probably never feel the kind of joy while reading a book as I did with yours. After finishing Wolf Bane I could not help myself but shed a few tears, knowing the story is over, but at the same time feeling happy that it has come to a closure both for Torak and Wolf and us readers.
I thought that there will be no more excitement involving the franchise, however, when you announced that you have talked to the Kindle Entertainment and Lionsgate about the possible screen adaptation I was over the moon. And this leads me to my first and only question:
Are there any updates about the live action TV series that you could kindly share with us please?
I simply cannot wait to see Torak and his world come to life once more, it would be a dream come true!

Thank you again for making my childhood (and adulthood) magical.


Michelle Replies…

Dear Tereza,

Thanks so much for getting in touch with your lovely message.  I’m delighted that you’ve enjoyed all nine of the Wolf Brother stories – and since you’ve been a fan since primary school, I was particularly glad to know that you liked the later books too; as I often wonder how those three later books might strike a reader who, for years, has only known the first six. As regards the potential tv series, I’m afraid that, as I think I’ve mentioned in answers to other readers (I can’t recall when), sadly, the Kindle/Lionsgate project isn’t going to come off.  It certainly wasn’t for want of trying on the part of the producers, but unfortunately making a major tv series is so expensive and difficult that it is quite common for projects not to get off the ground.  I’m sorry I can’t bring you more positive news.  But rest assured that if there are any further developments in this direction, I will announce it first on my website!

In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy the Wolf Brother books on any future re-readings – and thanks again for getting in touch.

With best wishes, Michelle