Ask Michelle Anything

Voracious reader

Bo writes…

Hi Michelle,
I just wanted to thank you for your lovely books in the name of my little daughter Josephine. She is on the picture attached. She’s only 9, but a voracious reader. She just finished reading the the books that she is pictured with (she’s sooo proud) and we just ordered some more for her. We looked up your bio and found out that you used to be local to us. We live in Southfields, Josephine goes to Wimbledon Park Primary School and her big sister Izabella goes to your alma mater Wimbledon High School. We can’t wait to have your new books around. Thank you so much again, Bo

Michelle Replies…

Dear Bo,

I’m delighted that Josephine like the books – and how wonderful to hear that she’s a voracious reader.  I really hope she enjoys the rest of the series, all nine books of them!

With best wishes, Michelle