Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.
More “A Ghost Stories” on the way?
Erica writes… Hello! I got recommended Dark Matter by my sister and we ended up reading it in my book club for halloween. It was a great success, and we promptly read Thin Air and Wakenhyrst as well. Now we're eagerly awaiting another novel in this "series" as it were, and I wanted to ask…
Review of Wakenhyrst
Graham writes… I have just written for Goodreads a review of your wonderful book Wakenhyrst and thought you might like to read it, so here it is: This novel combines gothic horror, ancient fenland folklore, and the social history of the fens. It also depicts very well how women in the early 20th century (as…
School VIsit
Nicholas writes… Hi Michelle, I am an English Lead at a Junior School in South Woodford, East London and was wondering whether there was any scope for a school visit as the children love your books. Many Thanks, Nick Michelle Replies… Dear Nick, I’m sorry about the delay in getting back to you. It’s wonderful…
I am doing a school project
brooke writes… Dear Michelle Paver my name is Brooke Sims and I am a year 6 at Normandale school working on a big project. I am trying to find out what I want to be when I grow up and being an author is one of my interests. I have some questions that I would…
More like dark matter and thin air?
Linda writes… Hi Michelle, The book's thin air and dark matter I count among my favorite books of all time. Will write more of these adult level books that set humans within the challenges of nature? Do you consider these adult books or young adult books? You've tackled solitude at altitude, in cold, and in…
What happens next?
Stanley writes… Dear Michelle Paver, I'm Stanley and I've just recently finished reading Wolfbane. I'm so distraught the Wolf Brother series has come to an end. Thank you so much for publishing this series and they are the best books I've read for a very long, long time. Two quick questions. What happens tO Renn…
Thank you so much for giving us wonderful stories!
Yuka writes… I love Wolf Brother from Japan Michelle Replies… Dear Yuka, Konichiwa – and thank you so much for your lovely message, I’m delighted that you love Wolf Brother! May the guardian run with you… With very best wishes, Michelle
wolf brother
mikahil writes… how did torak meet the boar Michelle Replies… Dear Mikahil, the title of your message is “Wolf Brother”, but from memory, I don’t think Torak meets a boar in that book. Maybe you’re referring to his brief sort-of friendship with a large male boar in Spirit Walker? In that story, the boar just…
Will there be more books in the series
Paul writes… Would be there more books in the series chronicles of ancient darkness (I know I've already seen that there will be no more. But for a straight 3 weeks i can't stop thinking about it) i can't stop reading Michelle Replies… Dear Paul, I’m afraid you’re right that there won’t be any more…
Birthday Books
Stella writes… Hello, I wanted to reach out to you about my daughter, Nox. She's been a huge fan of your "Wolf Brother" series ever since she was in 4th grade. ( she is now in 8th grade) She's really dedicated and passionate about your books! Your books have had a deep effect on her,…
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
Sharon writes… Hi Michelle, I'm an English literature and writing tutor for students that are in 3rd grade through high school. One of my favorite books that I read with 4th through 6th-graders is Wolf Brother. And, I always hope that they will continue on their own to read the other eight books in this…
name for my little cub
Hanna writes… Dear Dear Michelle, My name is Hanna and I Live in the Netherlands. I've been searching for a name, a special name to give to my firstborn (boy or girl, we don't know). I've opened my copies of Wolfbrother (Dutch translation is Torak and Wolf) and searched for names. and I was wondering,…
Wolf Brother
Chris writes… Why did you write Wolf Brother? (From Brodie, aged 9) Michelle Replies… Dear Brodie, The short answer to your question is that I wrote Wolf Brother because one day I had an idea for a story set in a forest about a boy, a girl, a wolf, and a huge bear. At the…
Love of the series
Siri writes… Dear Michelle I’m a 26 year old reader and have been following the world of wolf brother since it was first released when my mother picked it up back in 2004 and I have been absolutely hooked ever since. I remember being deeply upset when I found out that Ghost Hunter would be…
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series
Rita writes… Hello, I’m a 69 year old woman who enjoys a lot of books written for children. Afterwards I recommend to my grandchildren and friends. I enjoyed listening to your first book in this series, Wolf Brother. Will books 2 and 3 in the series be available unabridged on Audible? Thank you for sharing…
Temporary Tattoo Sheet
Raven writes… Hi Michelle, I've been meaning to read through Chronicles of Ancient Darkness again (as I finally have some extra time) since I recently learned that there were three new books to read! So, so excited to buy them and continue the adventures in the world I adored as a kid. However, there's been…
The World of Torak, Renn and Wolf
Noora writes… Dear Michelle Paver, I am a 19-year-old reader and fan from Finland. It might be quite late to express my adoration for your novels, considering the fact that your latest ones have been published over a year ago, but I would still like to try. I first stumbled upon your beautiful writing style…
Thank you for writing the sequels
Kiara writes… Hello Michelle, I'm not sure if you're ever going to read this, but I can faintly remember that some 15 years ago when I was 10 years old, I had just finished the last book of the Chronicles of the Ancient Darkness for the first time. I could barely speak English at the…
Wolf Brother
Ethan writes… Dear Great Aunt Michelle, I have almost finished Wolf brother and I can't wait to see what happens to Torak. your book has helped expand my imagination. But I have one question. . . is there no end to your amazing imagination ? lots of love from Ethan. Michelle Replies… Dear Ethan, congratulations…
Torak and Renn
Sam writes… Hi Michelle, I have just finished Wolfbane and I’ve really enjoyed The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. My question is if Torak and Renn ever break up. If so, is it because of Torak twisting Renn’s wrist to get the black root from her medicine pouch? Thanks, Sam Michelle Replies… Dear Sam, I’m…
(lack of) Hungarian translations
Noemi writes… Hi Michelle, When I was younger I have started to read the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness in Hungarian. I really liked it, my sister and my mother did so, but as it turned out, we only have the first two books translated. I didn't speak any English at the time, so I had…
I am a Japanese reader of the Japanese translation of Viper’s daughter.
Yuzu writes… Dear Michelle. I am Japanese. I love your novels! I use a translation app because my English is not good enough. I first read your novels 12 years ago. For me, the world in which Torak, Ren and Wolf live is very far away, and yet very familiar. The world you write about…
Thank you
Hazel writes… You and your Ancient Chronicles of Darkness series is the reason I fell in love with reading and writing. They are also the reason my English improved so quickly. I was ten when I found your books, a few years after my family and I moved to the States from S. Korea, and…
Wolf Brother translations
Kit writes… Hello Miss Paver, I've been a fan of your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series for 16/17 years and am recently revisiting them. Wolf Brother is the first and only book I remember reading where I was immediately sucked in by the first sentence, and Spirit Walker is the only book in recent years…
Ghost Hunter
Sam writes… When exactly is souls night is it around the winter solstice or Christmas Eve Michelle Replies… Dear Sam, Many thanks for your question. Souls’ Night occurs in the dark of the Blackthorn Moon. This means that it corresponds roughly to our Hallowe’en, ie the end of October – although of course Torak’s people…
Thank You
Karolina and Iza writes… Dear Michelle Paver, We (together with my sister) would like to thank you for the series of books which you have written ‘Chronicles of Ancient Darkness’. We read this series when we were children and it is like the ‘Harry Potter’ series for us – we grew up with it and…
Growing up with your books
Rosie writes… The first time I read one of your books was when I bought Wolf Brother in a waterstones at the age of about 10. I was completely infatuated and bought the rest of the series which I can safely say for the last 9 years i’ve read religiously and was prepared whenever a…
The art of building suspense in words
Daniel writes… Hi Michelle I first read Dark Matter sometime ago (maybe 6/7 years ago) and I remember not only at the time what an unbelievable chilling read it was, but how it haunted me with my own imagination and imagery thereafter. I've not been able to read it since yet it remains in my…
More books please
Kathy writes… Hi we love your books I’ve read all of them could u pls consider making a book thank you, Kathy and isobelle Michelle Replies… Dear Kathy and Isobelle, I’m delighted that you’ve read and enjoyed all my books! I am indeed still writing, but it’s a ghost story for adults, which may not…
Is there anymore content on Chronicles of Ancient Darkness planned at all?
August writes… I have recently finished Ghost Hunter and I am loving every book, I finished outcast in 3 days and it will be my favorite book forever. I thank you for the amazing journey you have given and are still giving me, your creativity is unmatched. Now I was wondering if there will be…
Dark Matter
Christopher writes… Dark Matter came recommended to me after reading Felix Blackwells book Stolen Tounges because it was the scariest book iv read. Dark matter surpassed it, you really brought the isolation and claustrophobia. Fantastic read and I can't wait to read Thin Air. My question is, in Dark Matter it's mentioned you visited remote…
Please help! Some of your audiobooks are unavailable
Joseph writes… I love your books, I have dearly since a tender age, and when I found out later in life they were narrated by Ian McKellen I was flabbergasted and went to listen to them and was in awe at the first books narration. But for some reason Spirit Walker and Soul Eater aren't…
Wolf Brother
Tyler writes… I don’t have a question, but I wanted to thank you your books really helped me through a difficult time in my life. Starting with wolf brother when I was very young that series really helped. It also inspired me to write my own books and I am now writing screen play scripts…
Nostalgia, esteem and questions
Valentina writes… Dear Michelle, I’m writing from Italy, my name is Valentina and I’m 28 years old. Like other young people around the world, I grew up with the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. I was 7/8 years old when I read Wolf Brother for the first time, I fondly remember the moments when, impatient and…
Where are the books actually set?
Ed writes… Hi Michelle just a quick one from me – was wondering where the series is actually set? Most of the books suggest Scandinavia but book 3 makes me think the Arctic/ Inuit parts of Canada with polar bears and the white fox / sea otter clans – these animals are only found in…
Wolf Brother series
Callum writes… Hello, My name is Callum, I am 10, I am a HUGE fan of your books and I would like to know if you are going to write another book after Wolf Bane. Thank you very much, From Callum. Michelle Replies… Dear Callum, I’m really glad that you like my books! But I’m…
Wolf Brother!
Sarah writes… Hi, We have just finished reading 'Wolf Brother' and we loved it! We were actually in tears at the end when we thought Wolf had died – but we were so relieved to find out that he had survived! We haven't had chance to read any of your other books yet but we…
Class reader
Jess writes… Hi Michelle, I am a teacher of Primary 7 and I have used Wolf Brother with previous classes who have absolutely loved learning about mesolithic man and all the rich learning that goes along with the story. I am keen to use it again, but this time encourage the children to analyse the…
Dark Matter (effusive praise!)
Julia writes… Not a question but I did just want to leave this as a comment, I just finished Dark Matter which I picked up from a recommendation somewhere online (possibly a horror tiktok account?) At any rate, I read it all on my back deck today, a sultry summer afternoon, and I remembered all…
Life and tragedy have got in the way, but I will never give up: my gratitude for your writing and request for a testimonial if I am lucky to be published.
Karen writes… Dear Michelle Paver, Forty years ago, I read Frazer's "Golden Bough" and sat in on a year's archaeology lectures at Sydney University. I have had a fascination with archaeology, mythology and anthropology ever since. I have been most interested in prehistoric sites of early agricultural civilizations particularly those of ancient Greece. I have…
wolf brother Arabic translation
Ahmed writes… Hi I wish you a great day. my name is Ahmed Kamel. I am an archaeologist , and tour guide in Egypt. I am a big fan of you. I would like to know, if there is an arabic translation of your books ? AS I am interested in translating the wolf brother…
The Netflix Original Show they don’t know they need.
Kai writes… Hello Michelle, I am a huge fan of your books from Sweden. I started reading your books when they first appeared on the shelves here in Sweden and practically grew up with them. I remember how fascinated I was by every little detail and the way you described it as if you'd been…
Replacement Dust Cover
Sarah writes… Hi Michelle, my fiance absolutely loves your series and recently completed the collection of Wolf Brother. Unfortunately, his original copy of the first novel was damaged and never returned to him. I managed to locate a used copy of the first novel in good condition. But the dust cover is damaged. I have…
Thank you
Felix writes… Dear Ms Paver, My name is Felix and I'm writing from Sweden. I don't really have a question, I just want to say thank you for your fantastic Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. I've just finished the amazing Audiobook of the last book, Wolfbane, in English, and got the idea to write a…
The Sign of Protection
Branson writes… It's been a while since i have opened the stories of torak, renn and wolf as well as the myriad of characters, villains, demons, spirits and subjects not cased in your expansive world. However, one thing I've been curious about is this universally recognized sign of protection that is mentioned in passing several…
Crónicas de la prehistoria
Juan Carlos writes… Hola Michelle!!! He leído que era posible que se produjera una serie de animación sobre la saga "Crónicas de la prehistoria". Es cierto el comentario?? Porque sería genial!!! Muchas gracias por esta maravillosa historia!!! Saludos!!! Michelle Replies… Hola, Juan Carlos! I’m afraid I don’t speak Spanish, but if I’ve understood your email,…
First and foremost Thank You …
Steven writes… Hi Michelle, My name is Steven Campbell and I'm a 25 year old aspiring author from Sydney, Australia. I've spent my life reading and writing stories and found your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series when I was a teenager at high school. It got me through some tough times growing up rather poor…
Salla writes… Hi! This seems awfully informal, but it was the only way I thought I could get an inkling of reach. I just wanted to say your books meant a great deal to me as someone who thought words were very important to them. I still think they’re important and your books are still…
Wolf brother Artwork/Illustratio
Nadia writes… I have loved your books since I was little. I aspire to be an artist/illustrator. And for my final project for university have illustrated 5 double page spreads and a book cover back and spine for the book wolf brother. Illustrating Torak, Fa, wolf and the bear. It would be a dream come…
Horror books
Sidonie writes… Hey Ms Paver, I hope this finds you well I came across Wakenhyrst by chance a few years ago and I fel9 in love with your style of horror writing. After finishing that, I devoured Thin Air (I member thought I'd legitimately be afraid of a backpack!) and Dark Matter – the latter…