

Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.

New ghosts – that is, Michelle’s upcoming new ghost story

New ghosts – that is, Michelle’s upcoming new ghost story

Richard writes... Recently re read Thin Ice and Dark Matter. Both fantastic and should be regarded as modern classics of the genre. Anyhow I googled to see if anything new was on the way and behold Rainforest. More than happy, cannot wait to dive in. Michelle Replies... Ah, Richard, I'm so happy that you enjoyed re-reading Thin Air and Dark Matter - and that the prospect of Rainforest has given you a little lift!  I'm...
questions about your Wolf Brother books and how i love them

questions about your Wolf Brother books and how i love them

Violet writes... I absolutely love the series Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. I have just finished reading the last one Wolf Bane. I’ve been reading them ever since a month before the summer holidays in 2024. For World Book Day [6th of March or the day I sent you this message] I went as Renn. And I wonder will there be any more books? And in the books they never say years or months but they...
Thank you – from a French reader who has grown up with the Wolf Brother books

Thank you – from a French reader who has grown up with the Wolf Brother books

Léa writes... Hello ! I don't have a question to ask. I just want to say : thank you. I'm from France, and I read for the first time Wolf Brother when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I was immediately obsessed with the world and the characters. From book 1 to book 6, this story was with me all of my childhood and trought a big part of my teenagers years. I...
Daughters of Eden – Michelle’s earlier trilogy set in Jamaica

Daughters of Eden – Michelle’s earlier trilogy set in Jamaica

Aimee writes... Hi Michelle, I left a message around a year ago praising the three newest Chronicles of Ancient Darkness books. Since then I’ve read Dark Matter, Wakenhyrst (particularly thrilling as I live near Ely in the fens!) and Thin Air. All three had me on edge, and although I found Thin Air had its similarities to Dark Matter, it still kept me on my toes and I thoroughly enjoyed the read! I’ve just seen...
DARK MATTER – where can I get a copy?

DARK MATTER – where can I get a copy?

Whitney writes... Hello!!! I would love to read Dark Matter, i have heard wonderful things about that book and for some reason I can't find it anywhere to purchase! Helpppp! Michelle Replies... Dear Whitney, I'm afraid that I'm not able to help with questions of availability of my books, as this is up to the publishers.  Dark Matter is still in print in the UK,, so if you can't order it from a bookshop, you...
Rainforest cover

Rainforest cover

Ryan writes... Dear Michelle! Hoping, as ever, that you are well and 2025 is treating you well so far! I just wanted to write to congratulate you on the STUNNING cover for RAINFOREST which I saw Goldsboro revealed a few days ago. I love how it’s so colourful and yet so foreboding and ominous! It’s gorgeous and I cannot wait to see it in the flesh when the book comes out. Absolutely itching to read...
wolfbane audio cd

wolfbane audio cd

lynn writes... Can you confirm how i can get a copy of Wolfbane on Audio Cd - we have every other one in the set andd whilst i can access it on some streaming sites i woud really like the CD to complete the collection - i cannot find it anywhere and am desperate to listen to it !!! Michelle Replies... Dear Lynn, I'm so sorry you're having difficulty getting hold of the Wolfbane audio! ...
Just a greeting – from someone who grew up in Sweden with the Wolf Brother books

Just a greeting – from someone who grew up in Sweden with the Wolf Brother books

Sofie writes... Dear Michelle, Hello! My name is Sofie, and I just wanted to write and give you my thanks. My mom gave me the 1st CoAD book for Christmas back in 2011 when I'd turned 12 years old, and we both got hooked - I'm 25 now and I still love your books so, so much. I've re-read them now and then over the years and they're always a thrill, they hold a proud...
Wakenhyrst – I Want My Very Own Chatterpie

Wakenhyrst – I Want My Very Own Chatterpie

Rhona writes... I just wanted to say I think about this book constantly. I recommend this book to anyone I can. I want my very own chatterpie I live near a fen I want a doom painting Thanks so much for writing this true diamond xx Michelle Replies... Dear Rhona,  I'm absolutely delighted that you like Wakenhyrst so much - and I envy you that you live near a fen.  It's funny how sometimes a...
Rainforest! Any signed editions or sprayed edges?

Rainforest! Any signed editions or sprayed edges?

Daryl writes... Hello! I wrote to you previously praising Dark Matter & Thin Air and was ecstatic to learn you were writing a new book which we now know is titled Rainforest. Are you planning to do any signed editions or sprayed edges? Im hoping to preorder from waterstones but have jumped the gun before and missed out on exclusives. A huge fan & wishing you a happy publishing day come October! Michelle Replies... Dear...

Future Ghost Stories…

Daryl writes… Dear Mrs Paver, As somebody who has to read a lot at their desk for their job, I noticed myself no longer reading for fun – I simply could not face the ever growing pile of books on my "to be read" shelf (now shelves…). I thought I ought to try something different…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Future Ghost Stories…

Dark Matter

Michael writes… Just writing to express how much I enjoyed your novel Dark Matter. It's the only book I have finished reading and immediately had to reread. Michelle Replies… Dear Michael, That’s one of the nicest compliments on my writing I’ve ever received.  Thank you, it means a lot!  With very best wishes, Michelle

Read Michelle's Answer… about Dark Matter

Publishing Suggestions

Stephen writes… Dear Michelle Paver, I am an educator and a writer from Colorado, USA. I have immensely enjoyed your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series, as well as Gods and Warriors. I love how you sweep the reader right into the world of your books. You became one of my favorite authors ever since I…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Publishing Suggestions

COAD series Translated.

Dimitrios writes… Hello there Michelle. I don't know if i'm the latest fan of your books but I bet I'm one of the oldest. I've read wolf brother last year and since then the series became instant favourite. The problem is that in Greece only the first 5 books were translated. Is there any hope…

Read Michelle's Answer… about COAD series Translated.

Audiobook for Spirit Walker & Soul Eater not available in the US?

Timberlee writes… Dear Michelle, I’ve loved the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series (as well as the audiobooks) since I was a little girl. I collected both the physical books and all the audios narrated by Sir Ian McKellen. Sadly, due to domestic violence I’ve lost all my copies. I’ve recently finished the first book again…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Audiobook for Spirit Walker & Soul Eater not available in the US?

Future books

Graham writes… Is there any chance of novels on the Upper Palaeolithic , Mesolithic and Neolithic ages in Europe and the Mediterranean ? I am 78 , an ex- archaeologist (if such a thing can exist) and ageing child , and have just finished the final Wolf Brother novel , and am rapidly developing worrying…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Future books

A little thank you

Anna writes… Dear Mrs Paver, I do not exactly have a question, I would only like to tell you how much Chronicles of Ancient Darkness mean to me. I first stumbled upon them in my local library when I was still in primary school and their covers immediately caught my eye. I remember reading so…

Read Michelle's Answer… about A little thank you

film adaptation of the book series Chronicles of Dark Times

Vera writes… Hello, Michelle Paver, I am Vera and I really love your series of books Chronicles of Dark Times. I really want to participate in the film adaptation of this series of books in the role of Renn. Is it possible? Michelle Replies… Dear Vera, Thanks very much for your message – and I’m…

Read Michelle's Answer… about film adaptation of the book series Chronicles of Dark Times

Chronicles of the Dark Times

Dmitrii writes… Hi Michelle, I really liked your book, I read for hours on end. This is the best book I've ever read! I am very grateful to you for this work of art. I am waiting for the continuation of Torak and Renn's love line) And so, let's move on to the question. Are…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Chronicles of the Dark Times

I cannot wait!

Tereza writes… Dear Mrs Paver, First of all, as many others before me, I would like to thank you for creating the work of art that The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness are. The books have been with me since primary school and stuck with me to the present day, I cannot remember how many times…

Read Michelle's Answer… about I cannot wait!

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Amelia writes… I just want to say how much your books mean to me, I just finished ‘Ghost Hunter’ about 20 seconds ago and started crying thinking it was the last one. Then I looked to check again, as I had seen something somewhere mentioning ‘Viper’s Daughter’, and well, you know. I looked into it…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

The chronicles of ancient darkness was my saviour

Max writes… Hey! My name is Max, and The Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness became my saviour. I first came across the first book in the series Wolf Brother when I was in primary school year 5 I was 10 years old. And once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down! And basically never…

Read Michelle's Answer… about The chronicles of ancient darkness was my saviour

I’m a huge fan!

Shinji writes… Hello, Michelle I'm a high school student in Japan, so I apologize for my bad English. But, I want to tell you that your books excited and inspired me! Two weeks ago, I went to the library to study. When I took a break, I found "Wolf Brother" and started to read it.…

Read Michelle's Answer… about I’m a huge fan!

language/runes used in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Alyx writes… Hi Michelle, I hope this question finds you well, I was wondering if you might be able to clarify the nature of the runes used throughout the series although there is no formal writing. It's one of my all-time favourite series, although unfortunately I have not been able to read the latest addition…

Read Michelle's Answer… about language/runes used in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Thanks you and ask for Audible translate

Lucas writes… Hello, good evening dear Mrs. Michelle Paver! Let me introduce myself, Jaupart Lucas, 25 years old, great reader in my spare time, Show Technician by profession and self-taught programmer. I read your whole series of "Chronicles of Ancient Darkness" starting with the first volume when I was 8 years old and that's what…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Thanks you and ask for Audible translate

Just an immense thank you!

Ellinor writes… Hi! I just wanted to send an immense thank you for creating Torak and the world around him. I was born in 1997 and was about the age of 10/11 I think when I first read the first book, maybe even a bit younger. I fell in love immediately, and the series has…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Just an immense thank you!

Audio cd’s

Elyane writes… Our family loves your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series not only the books but the audio cds as well for road trips and nights around the stove. Will there be an audio book for Wolfbane? Thanks Elyane Saul Michelle Replies… Dear Elyane, What a lovely picture that conjures up: the whole family in…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Audio cd’s

Big Fan

Hena writes… Hi Michelle, This isn't a question, I just wanted to let you know that I love the Wolf Brother series. It was one of the first book series that I really got into in elementary school. It had such a big effect on me that I started using the British style of quotations…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Big Fan

Wolf Brother Movie release date…

Aiyana writes… Hello, let me just say I love your work, and I kinda like to think of myself as your No.1 fan It really is an honour to be speaking to you, I love 💕 your books. My favourite is definitely Vipers Daughter. I really wanted to ask you when / if there’s going…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Wolf Brother Movie release date…

French Translation 3bLast books chronicles of darkness

Vincendeau writes… Hello MIchelle. I m really enjoy to have find your website. I m French woman : so apologize for my -bad- translation ! I discovered your books of aventures of Torak Wolf and Renn when I Was 12 years old. I foolowed their aventures until your Last book "ghost unter". I loved them…

Read Michelle's Answer… about French Translation 3bLast books chronicles of darkness

Eagle Owls

Annabel writes… Hi Michelle, my name is Annabel. When my sister left home a few years ago, she handed your books down to me and I have come back to CoAD ever since. We heartily agree that they are such good books. Ghost Hunter has to be my favourite, because of the excitement and ultimatum…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Eagle Owls

Wolf boy

Cassie writes… Hi! Just wanted to say a huge thankyou for you chronicles of ancient darkness series. My 8 yr old son is reading wolf boy at the moment and he can not put it down! He tells me it's even better than Harry Potter. He has a lot of troubles at school so it…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Wolf boy

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Timothy writes… Hello Michelle, I grew up on the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness book series and it was my favourite book series by far, one of the best parts of my childhood. I was wondering whether there was a complete special edition for all nine of the books, as I want to keep them in…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Writing to Michelle paver for a school project

Haylee writes… Dear Miss Pavar, My name is Haylee Barnhardt, I live in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. I am 11 years old, I have a dog and two parakeets. I LOVE wolves, I want a pet wolf when I’m older, my favorite book of yours is wolf brother. That’s the book I’m on I haven’t red all…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Writing to Michelle paver for a school project

Biggest fan

Andrew writes… Hello, my name is Andrew foster & I absolutely love your books. I read wolf brother in 4th grade and was hooked ever since. I’m 29 now and still reading them but now I get to read them to my own 2 sons. The way you make it easy for the reader to…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Biggest fan

Primary school class loving your novel.

Dale writes… Good afternoon, My name is Dale Innes and I am a primary school teacher. We are currently studying wolf brother as our class novel and the children are loving it. The opportunity Arouse to purchase new books for our schools reading scheme and wolf brother was top of my list. I have taught…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Primary school class loving your novel.

You’re incredible:)

India writes… Just a quick comment to say thank you for all the worlds that you've shown me:) I adored the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness as a child and when I read them now feel just as immersed in Torak's world. I don't know another series that is so wonderfully rich and well researched! Recently…

Read Michelle's Answer… about You’re incredible:)

I must of cried for an hour straight

Lily aya writes… when I entered 5th grade (now at the end of 6th) I started reading your book series; the ancient chronicles of darkness. I almost immediately fell in love with Torak, Renn, Dark, Wolf and all the others. I know there's a incredibly small chance that this will do anything. ( I assume…

Read Michelle's Answer… about I must of cried for an hour straight

Best wishes and thank you once more

David writes… First I hope that all will be well with you and your family. When searching for a way to contact you for my first Thank You letter I did notice there are more books that continue the adventure. I’ve already made steps to purchase them so I can enjoy the continuation of this…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Best wishes and thank you once more

Thank you

David writes… It is not a question, simply a thank you letter. When I moved at 12yo I frequently went to the local library. As a kid who was frightened by wolves your book cover intrigued me and I’ve decided to give it a go. The first few pages were pure horror for 12yo me…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Thank you

Thank you

Jay writes… Dear Michelle, I hope this message finds you well (and belated Happy New Year!). I've thought about this message for a very long time, and I've spent many days and weeks and months searching for the right words. Now I'm here, and I still don't think that I'll be able to tell you…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Thank you

Complete Box set

Ali writes… Hi Michelle, How are you? I'm wondering if you'll be releasing a complete box set now the final book is out. Best wishes, Ali Michelle Replies… Dear Ali, Many thanks for your query.  You’re not alone in wanting this, and it would be great if it could happen.  But I’m afraid that at…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Complete Box set

Thin Air – hooked!

Salomon writes… Dear Michelle, I’m sitting on the floor by the latrine on the delayed and crowded 16.47 from Marylebone to Haddenham… Reading thin air, utterly hooked, and reliving my own alpine climbing days… the discomfort, pain, cold, hunger, exhaustion… making the best of an unplanned overnight bivi… I bought Thin Air in a charity…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Thin Air – hooked!

who dies in oath breaker?

emilia writes… who dies in oath breaker? I know its a spoiler but I am itching to know by the way i love your books my favorite characters are wolf and torak Michelle Replies… Dear Emilia, I’m really glad that you like my stories, but I’m afraid I make it a rule never to answer…

Read Michelle's Answer… about who dies in oath breaker?


Aria writes… Dear Michelle Paver I am a big fan of your books. I am 9 years old and I have written a letter to you for my homework. Please may you let me know where I can send my letter. Thanks very much I will look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely Aria ????????????????❣️????…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Letters

Wolf brother box

Tracy writes… Hello My Daughter is a huge fan and loves all the wolf brother books. I want to make her a wolf brother box/bag with things in for Christmas. I've thought of a wolf plush/slingshot/ wolf necklace/army knife. I wondered if you knew what else I could include. or I wondered if you had…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Wolf brother box

Dark Matter the book

Dan writes… Hi Michelle, No question to ask, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Dark Matter – thank you for bringing Jack Miller into my life. I've been an avid fan of horror since I read my first Stephen King novel (which, if I remember, was Christine), at around 14. Since then I've…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Dark Matter the book

Word Count

Amanda writes… Hi Michelle! My Year 6 son is an avid reader and is currently enjoying your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness books. We have recently started keeping track of his word count (he's at 800k so far this school year!). Would it be possible to have the word count of all the books in the…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Word Count

ancient chronicles books are mint

alexander writes… Hi Michelle, I was wondering what inspired you too write this beautiful series of novels and how you came up with the character names? I started reading the ancient chronicles with my dad when I was quite little and loved the novels, and even now much older I still enjoy them just as…

Read Michelle's Answer… about ancient chronicles books are mint

Wolf brother

Grace-Ann writes… My 10 year old daughter is nearly finished the whole of the wolf books, she’s only a few chapters from the end. She is such a big fan of the books, she would love to know if you’ll be writing another series of books like wolf brother.? Ps Thankyou so much for writing…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Wolf brother

I am the family genealogist—sending you a text that went to my brothers today

William writes… I am wondering if you are part of the South African branch of the family? Yes and I found Uncle Henry the other day. He’s buried in Belleville, NY. He was Thomas William Paver’s brother from Otterton, UK our great grandfather—his generation (siblings)went all over the world. One brother in South Africa, another…

Read Michelle's Answer… about I am the family genealogist—sending you a text that went to my brothers today


Connor writes… I have a Question and I am reading the wolf brother so I was wondering ???? if there was a film so yes or a no answer as soon as possible please ???? Michelle Replies… Dear Connor, I answered this question fully when I responded recently to a message from Anna; but the…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Book

A simple letter

Michela writes… Dear Michelle, I wanted to write a love letter to you and your work since a very long time, but I always felt like I didn’t have enough words to describe how much I’m grateful for all you’ve done. Chronicles of Ancient Darkness have made my life and part of who I am…

Read Michelle's Answer… about A simple letter


Josh writes… Hello I have been trying to get tickets to one of ur book signing but as u kindly told me that there are no signing ATM could there be a chance I could purchase a signed copy of one of ur books please as It would mean the world to my partner thank…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Partner

urgent question

Moritz writes… In the book : Dark Matter A Ghost Story Did the dark figure drown, if not how did it die? Thank you for Answer Kind Regards Moritz Eggenberger Michelle Replies… Dear Moritz, This is the kind of question I leave to the reader to decide. If one makes a ghost story too definite,…

Read Michelle's Answer… about urgent question

question for the exam I have tomorrow

Jasin writes… Hello Miss Paver, what does the title of your book "dark matter" mean? How does it relate to the story? kind regards Michelle Replies… Dear Jasin, You’ll be able to answer both questions if you read the book. Best of luck with the exam, Regards, Michelle

Read Michelle's Answer… about question for the exam I have tomorrow


Josh writes… Hello my name is josh I was wondering when your next signing is in Sheffield or surrounding areas if you could help it would be great as I'm wanting tickets for my partner as your her favourite author Thanks Josh Michelle Replies… Dear Josh, It does you credit to be thinking about your…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Events


Alessia writes… Hello Michelle, I would really like to ask you a question that I am trying to answer myself over these last few weeks and…I wonder if you ever had to choose between two dreams? I want to be an author and an actress. But sometime I feel I am drifting to the acting…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Advice

Signing Schedule

Louis writes… Hello Michelle! I'm writing to inquire about if you have any upcoming signings? Little backstory: my girlfriend grew up reading your "Chronicles of Ancient Darkness" series and apparently she had met you and gotten her copies signed way back when. Unfortunately, due to her unstable family life, she was forced to give up…

Read Michelle's Answer… about Signing Schedule

next gothic

james writes… Hello Ms Paver. sorry i'm being nosey but wondering if you are going to continue onto a fourth gothic novel. I've brought copies for a few youngsters who have been a bit slow in picking up the reading habit and they have all been devoured – especially "Thin Air" – honestly the only…

Read Michelle's Answer… about next gothic